What is it about married men…?

You’d think that their being married would mean that they have a steady sex partner and wouldn’t have to go looking for it everywhere else, wouldn’t you? I mean, I know there are exceptions to the rule…marriages that have problems…but come on, I doubt that every married guy i’ve met in the last year and a half is suffering from sever marital problems. And if they’re not, then why the hell can’t they stop acting the way they do? I’m not talking about healthy flirting…i’m talking about heavy flirting, asking me out to dinner, very suggestive comments and even attempts at physical gratification…and it’s not one, not two…but FIVE so far!!! What is it with me? Do I have a sign on my back saying “Hey husbands, i’m easy…” because they seem to think so…and its only them. I’m not being hit on by single guys but only by married ones-young and old. If they were cute and I was flirting with them too it might be a little more understandable, though still bothersome, but most of them are in their 40s or past and sorry, that just doesn’t do it for me. So girls, am I the only one dealing with this sickening crap? And guys, why can’t you just keep your dick in you pants?

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December 24, 2004

I have wondered the same thing. I work at a family restaurant and I get those kinds of guys in ALL the time. I think they want to know if they still have it in them. If they can still turn someone on. Because… that’s really the only reason. My friends dad’s are like that. My grandfather is like that. Must just come with age… lol But I know what you’re talking about.

December 24, 2004

My dick has remained in my pants for far too long, lol. I agree with you on the married men thing though. I don’t get it. Just let them know in no uncertain terms that it isn’t on and maybe they will get the message. Especially if you let them know whilst their wife is around *evil grin*

January 3, 2005

Men just like sex. Its pathetic really that they can’t keep their dick in their pants. I just feel bad for the wives.

January 3, 2005

Also I’ve figured out that as soon as a guy meets a good looking lass and they being talking the amediate thought that crosses their mind is “whey! i’m in” Pathetic, though there are exceptions, that’s what I’ve found.

January 19, 2005

You have to understand that when a man has an opptunity to get sex, it may not come again within the next 6 years, so men tend to take it. Married Men? Sigh…. I can not explain that one… Marrige is a special thing to me

lol I hear you. Except the guys that hit on me are very much single. Just not. . . my type, I suppose. Lacking breasts and a healthy dose of estrogen, I mean. But if it makes you feel better, I’ll only flirt with you until I’m over 40 and/or married. Neither of which is happening soon. . .