Is that what you have to say…?

I don’t know how i’m supposed to be dealing with all of this. I know all the different ways I could deal with it if I had all the things I needed or wanted but how do I deal with this without all of that? How do I cope without the free time, the money to do anything, the family to help out, the friends to care…How do I take charge of this whole situation all by myself? How do I stay sane, not get depressed, not cry all of a sudden at random moments? What do I do to make it not matter? What can you do to make it not matter that you’re almost 19 and have no one to talk to except an occasional chat with an online friend who really understands you but lives a million miles away in a different time zone, different country and just totally different world? Where can I find the comfort and solace I need most when the only places I have the option of going to are work(where i’m a single employee, working by myself on a daily basis) and home(probably what I need most to be comforted from)? I want to be able to just turn my back on all of this, my sisters can…Why can’t I? I don’t want to care…just help me to not care…

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November 29, 2004

🙁 speak up mir! let your sisters know you need help, that they need to help too. it’s important for everyone that you be happy, or at least content, so that you don’t break under the pressure. the situation as it stands clearly is not a good one. it’s not that people are mean, it’s just that we’re self-absorbed & we forget. just remind them that you need to live too. eh! love abby/

November 30, 2004

I’m really sorry! It isn’t fair that you have all of these problems to deal with, and you are only 19. Sometimes it seems to me that a lot bad things always keep happening to the same people, instead of a small amount of bad things happening to everyone. It doesn’t make what you are going through easier — but I think that you seem like a really good person.