Why is it…?

Why is it that the people that are meant to care most and be there to protect us from getting hurt are inevitably the ones who end up causing us the most pain…? We don’t let them into our hearts, they are ingrained there from birth as being part of our family but we hope daily for the chance to push them out to relieve ourselves of the pressure and pain they put us under…What remains to be understood is why they have to be the ones to do us that harm…why can’t they be the ones to accept us for who and what we are unquestionably?

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When child grows up, the roles change. It is sometimes our job to guide the parents to their final half of the life. Should it be full of sorrow or happiness … I always think i’ve been one of the causes of my mother’s premature death, so i treat my dad real well now. I won’t let the same thing happen twice.

October 14, 2004

ach. one of life’s great mysteries etc. people who love you feel like they have the right to shout at you/scold/criticize i guess maybe. love abby/