I mourn for…

I mourn for the loss of each innocent victim…as well as for my country, because I know that if things keep up at this pace the inevitable will occur…the country of Israel as a Jewish country will absolutely cease to exist…the world refuses to see the plight of the Israelis and continues to focus on the non-existant “suffering and oppression” of the palestinians…When innocent people are bombed in Israel, the world cries out to the Israeli government, “We’re sorry for your loss, we condemn and do not adhere to terrorism but you know…you’ve asked for it…its your fault…you’ve locked them in ghettos and taken away their food and ruined their lives…” and other such nonsensical and untrue bullshit…but when the British consulate is bombed, or the twin towers were attacked, not one person came forward to say that it was Turkey or the USA’s  fault…it was obviously the job of some deranged madmen who need to be caught and destroyed immediately…so tell me one thing…when will all of you people wake up?!?! When will the world realize that the “poor, oppressed palestinian” and the deranged madman are one?!?! When will the world realize that by blaming us Israelis, us Jews, they are condoning terror and just lying in wait for it to come to them…because by letting it continue to occur  by us they are just showing the terrorists that they can get away with what they want…they’re inviting mass murder to their door and preparing to let it in…

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