My bags are packed and i’m on my way…

On my way to where…? Hmmm…well, its not a vacation…and I don’t have my own apartment yet unfortunately…so where exactly am I off to? Its very simple-to the only place I have to run to so that I don’t get killed by my father or end up killing him first…to my sister’s house…My sister who will hopefully let me stay for as long as I need to…the thing I can’t understand,though, is my mother…its stupid of me to expect differently really cuz its not the first time its happened…but every time she takes his side it shocks me again…I just can’t fathom it…hes a goddamn son of a bitch that doesn’t care about anyone and has a rock in place of a heart…I just can’t understand it…anyways-here are two poems I wrote last year when I had a major fight and left home but coincidentally they seem to suit now as well…

How could you…?

You knew I was right

yet you stood by his side

You knew how I felt

for in you I confide

You knew it couldn’t work

while our passions collide

And that now its too late

since i’m torn up inside.

A father’s legacy…

“I’m sick of your nonsense,” he yelled to the girl

as he sat and he watched her in shock from the quarrel.

“I’m sick of your face,” he snapped in disgust

as her wind was expelled in just one single gust.

“Get out of this house,” he said to his daughter

and smirked as her eyes brimmed over with water.

“I don’t love you,” he said as I stood there and quaked.

“I never have,” is what he said and I felt my heart break.

Stupid of me, huh? I just never seem to learn from my mistakes…I guess that means I deserve it…oh, fuck…

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