When will I begin to live again…?

One day i’ll fly away…leave all this to yesterday…why live life from dream to dream and dread the day when dreams will end…? I know they’re actually talking about love in that song but those words really apply to my life…when will I be able to leave my family’s life behind and start living my own? I don’t want their way of life, my dreams are for something else…but what happens if i’m still stuck here and the day comes when my dreams end…?

Anyways, on friday night(even though i’m technically not supposed to) I wrote(AAAAAAHHHH, i’ll be killed by a bolt of lightening shot out of the sky)…on the sabbath we’re not allowed to write but you guys should know me by now and be aware that I don’t give a flying fuck about that shit…anyways, I was lying in bed at around 1am and just started singing to myself and I made up most of a song if not all…it always takes me some time to decide if I wanna add to it or not…but anyways, its called Volcano and here goes:

My hatred boils and festers

like a lone volcano

waiting to erupt and spew

its’ lava to let flow

Don’t hold it back

just let it go

let the river of pain overflow…

Don’t hold it back

just let it go

let the fire in your heart to explode…!

Of course it’s missing the added appeal of what makes it a song, which is the tune, but you get the gist of it anyways… Its obviously me signing out, your messed down and discombobulated diarist, Brainiac…

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