Day of atonement…

So, the day of atonement has come…tomorrow is what we, in the jewish world, call Yom Kippur…technically its a 25 or so hour fast day that we’re supposed to spend in synagogue praying for forgiveness for our mortal(and immortal :0))) sins…I can’t stand it…its such bullshit, but hey-thats my opinion…hope I don’t burn in the fiery depths of hell for it…:0) Anyways, i’m going to my sister’s house to help her watch the kids so that she can fast cuz shes not feeling good but the main reason that i’m going is so that I don’t have to spend my time in synagogue with hypocrites praying for forgiveness, saying they’re sorry and hoping that g-d won’t decree their death for this year…The fact of the matter is that most of them don’t even mean it…they pray and say they’re sossy but its very temporary…usually just until they get home and then they start being assholes once again…now i’m not saying some of them don’t really mean it, i’m just saying that most of them don’t so I don’t even waste my time pretending cuz I couldn’t care less…so anyways, have a “meaningful” week people…its only as meaningful as you make it, and as you want it to be…just remember that…

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