They don’t smell that great…

Did you ever stop to smell the roses like people are always telling you to…? I did, today in fact…and you know what? They smelled like stupid flowers…which I guess makes sense since thats what they are…but in a world like today where everythings automatic and you get what you want when you want it, who has the time to stop and smell the damn roses? I mean seriously folks, if you told me to stop and smell the double latte, or to take the time to inhale the scent of everyone’s different brand of cancer sticks I might understand what you’re getting at…but to smell the fucking roses? What will that give me in life? What will I get out of it…? Thats the way the cookie crumbles people, thats the way the world turns…so if you tell me to do anything the first thing i’ll probably do is stop and say hey, whats in it for me? So don’t just stop and smell the roses people, think about what smelling them will do for you…

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