Damn FOD…

I couldn’t leave a note again so theres another matter I have to address in response to mellowgirl’s notes…

Regarding her comment about both sides using their children and teaching them hatred…in Israel if a teacher says anything regarding the situation with the arabs or tries to input personal opinion on politics or anything of the sort in a classroom, he is severely reprimanded if not given a forced leave of absence…on the other hand, palestinian children are taught daily, hatred of Israel, deference to their government and a religion which “supposedly” spouts hatred…Israeli children are not part of fighting, battles, shooting or anything of the sort-their parents would never condone it because they’re CHILDREN…palestinian children are taught at the youngest of ages that throwing rocks at soldiers is ok, and how to hold a gun and shoot it the right way…my parents may be telling me that Israel is a jewish country and should stay that way, but they are certainly not willing to have it at the cost of my life or any of my brothers or sisters’ lives…we are their children and we come first…with the palestinians it’s- they are our children and they’ll GO first…don’t underestimate that slight difference…

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