Understandable, yet unacceptable…

Ok, here goes…I’m writing this entry here after being unable to post notes in mellowgirl’s diary so bear with me people…

I understand your point of view mellowgirl, I truly do…but living here in the midst of all of this I have trouble accepting it as much as I understand it…so I just want to say a few things in response…

Let me start by giving you a lesson in human nature…there is no such thing as unbiased…lets just start from there. Now, when living on the outter part of a confrontation and not within it, there may be little things that you are not shown, that the media doesn’t deem interesting enough to achieve high ratings which would otherwise show you the truth of the matter. I personally have seen instances where 2 pictures were taken and only one shown on the news and publicized all over the world…now, in any other case that might seem normal. Maybe the one picture was better than the other…who knows? But in this case i’ll tell you exactly what it caused…In the picture publicized, a palestinian youth around the age of 12 or something was shown being dragged away by 2 Israeli soldiers. The most heart wrenching part of this picture was the wet spot made on his jeans after he wet himself from fright…I fully understand how that picture would make most people feel…now, lets get back to the other picture that was not publicized…would you like to know what that one was? That picture was of the same palestinian youth just minutes before throwing rocks and debris at Israeli soldiers…I’m not saying either side is blameless, but i’m telling you that not being here just means that you can’t see the full picture.

Next subject to address-innocent palestinians being hurt…I once saw a comic-type picture that showed exactly what i’m about to say. On the left hand side was a baby stroller with an Israeli soldier crouching in front of it with a gun and on the right side was a baby stroller with an arab crouching behind it with a gun…i’ll give you a few seconds to think that through…when the arabs give guns to their 7 year old children and teach them how to shoot and kill at such a young age how can those children be safe? I remember about a year or two ago, a number of Israeli soldiers were killed but what was so appaling was how…they were in a house in one of the arab villages when all of a sudden an 8 year old boy came walking up with a knapsack on his back…it was all very normal until right as he approached the house and the pipe bombs in his bag blew him and the soldiers up…now you tell me, mellowgirl…is this the way of life? When Israelis mistakenly kill innocent arabs it is only because their fathers and husbands have put them in harm’s way…it is what it sounds like, a mistake…when arabs kill innocent israelis it is anything but a mistake…a bomb at a coffee shop, a spray of bullets at the mall, a sniper aiming and shooting a bullet through the head of a few month old baby, a couple of arabs smashing the heads of 2 helpless teenagers in with rocks bludgeoning them to death…those are merciless acts, obviously intentional…

The arabs have 22 countries surrounding us which makes for a lot of land…the palestinians are just arabs who decided to call themselves something else and make up a fake legend about a land that is supposedly theirs…instead of asking why the Israelis won’t give THEIR land to the arabs, lets ask why the surrounding arab countries refuse to grant refuge to these people who are part of their nation? And when Barak tried to give them most of our land and just about everything they wanted they spit in our face…when people refuse to make an agreement even when it includes what they wanted then obviously they’re not looking for peace and quiet…

Noow that I got a little part of that out of my system, i’ll let you think about it for a while…If peace was possible its what we all would want…it is what we all want…but we just know its nowhere to be found…

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