Pen pals, an aged pastime…

I just wrote a letter to someone i’ve been talking to online and he’s sending me one too…I know its a reaction from my childhood but one of the most exciting things is coming home and seeing the pile of mail and finding out that theres a letter for you…getting letters in the mail, real letters that friends write, makes you feel so special…like someone took the time to actually write-not even to type…they took the time to sit and write out a letter, risking mild cramps in their hands and ink stains on their fingers…they took the time to send you a letter and to let you know they were thinking of you…letters may be old fashioned and out of style…but don’t they say we should learn from the past? We should learn to put our hearts into our friendships…to put some effort into any relationship that means something to us, and to let our friends know at all cost that we care and that at some random point in our lives we took the time to think about them just because we felt them in our hearts…we took the time out of our own hectic lives to let them know that we’re always there for them and to thank them for always being there for us…

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