
So, lets do an “inventory check” on the first part of my week…On sunday I had a double math lesson and then saw “Bruce Almighty”…I really enjoyed the movie, especially the music, and have already decided to go out and buy the soundtrack…on monday I did absolutely nothing-oh, except go to a couple stores with my mom and get a few shirts…yesterday was fairly interesting, I had a shift in Civil Gaurds and after patrolling for about 4 hours we found an unidentified bag with no owners to be found…so first we had to seal the area so that noone could come anywhere near it while we were waiting for the bomb squad, and when they finally came after more than an hour, they did their stuff with this cool robot that checks to see if the bag is a bomb, shakes it up and rips it apart…the evening ended on a quiet note though cuz there was no bomb to be found…today I lazed around the house all day and the took my little sister to see the movie, “Finding Nemo”…I have to admit- I love seeing Disney movies and this one was no exception…I especially love the way they manage to come up with all of these colorful characters such as Flori, the fish with short-term memory loss…it was hilarious! Anyways, tomorrow is my graduation ceremony/party(basically bullshit) and then i’m going to my friend’s house in J-M for the weekend…maybe that’ll be a little more exciting…who knows what the future may hold…?

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