10,000 years…can give you such a crick in the..

Neck…thats all I was gonna say, in the neck…don’t be sick you guys…it was just an innocent disney quote so lets leave it that way…;0)

Anyhoo, i’m extremely bored and its not like I have nothing to do…I could go watch The lion king with my little sister, I could study the material for an enormous test I have tomorrow that I only just took the time to find out or I could talk to people that are online that would enjoy talking to me if I felt like talking to them…but I just don’t feel like doing any of that…I feel like writing random nothings in my diary for random somebodies to read…how amusing is that?

My sister, brother in-law, niece and nephew have been in the states now for approximately 6 weeks…they’re dying to come home but because of our chief government asshole(one of them at least…) that called a strike, they probably won’t be able to get a flight back! I miss them so much…I used to see them like once or twice a week and now I havben’t seen them for 6…goddamnit, why can’t they just get their act together? They should stop being so selfish and realize that the only way this country is going to get back on its’ feet is by a drastic change…even if its not what they want short-term, in the long run its really the only thing that will help…blaaa, stupid politicians piss me off…hehehe, think about this…one of the funniest oxymorons ever…you ready? here goes: smart politician…HAHAHA…isn’t that hilarious? Unfortunately thats how things are…

I was talking to an american about the situation here in Israel and I was ecstatic when we came to the conclusion that we have the same political opinions…that Bush should stay out of the Israeli-Arab conflict and america should mind their own business, that there is no chance for peace with arabs because if you give them a finger they’ll want the whole hand, foot, arm and leg and that the only plausible solution would be to gather all the arabs and drop kick them one by one off the eiffel tower…splat, splat…ah, to be able to witness that…the world would be such a better place…and yet, unfortunately the world does not seem to realize who they are dealing with and that “the only good arab, is a dead arab”…i’m not a racist…that would mean I hate a certain group of people…and I don’t, I just hate arabs…and since when are they people? I’m just not into animal rights…:0) Sorry, just a little black humor from someone sick of hearing bout friends and family exploding on busses and at restaurants…i’m gonna go before I start getting depressed…catcha later dudes!

Signing out is your right-wing extremist diarist, sick of bombs with nails and arabs who strap them to their body…Miss Brainiac 2 U…

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