So then I guess they’re home free…?

NOT!!! Rhonda and John didn’t break up…now I guess i’m not gonna sound like such a great friend with what i’m about to say…but thats too bad, they should’ve broken up…he doesn’t love her and theres nothing worse than being with someone that doesn’t love you unless you’re with him and you love him more than life itself, which I think is the case with Rhonda…I really hope things work out for them…shes my best friend and i want the best for her…but what if they don’t…?

On the other hand, Rhonda just introduced me to a friend of hers by the name of yuda…by what I can tell so far, hes nice and he’s really my type…hes into alot of the same stuff, hell-hes in the exact same thing in the army that i wanna go into-even the same subject…it sounds too good to be true, doesn’t it? it probably is but we’ll just have to wait and see…

Tata for now…

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