Election day…

Well,here we go again…unless you live in israel or keep in touch with whats going on in the world around you then you’ll have no clue what i’m talking about…so i’ll tell you…today, january 28th 2003 is(again) election day…they’re having elections for the knesset(or parliament) and for the prime minister-which depends on the number of mandates his political party gets…it wouldn’t be so ridiculous if our government wasn’t overthrown every year or so, or didn’t keep falling apart…but I’d hafta say that its kind of become a joke throughout lot of the youth of the country…its somewhat of a guessing game…whos gonna win? how are they gonna screw things up? and how soon will we have to have new elections? It seems kind of absurd to have elections in a country where everyone knows what they want-and in most mays we all want the same thing…but noone who has a different lifestyle will agree with what the people that live differently agree with…we want to live without fear, they want to live without fear…but they’re different then me so I want to live without fear in a different way…I hate to break it to you, but to live without fear in any way there are certain steps that everyone needs to take regardless of their way of life!! If you want to live a life of learning in a yeshiva and you want to get to your yeshiva every day on the bus without being blown up…and in the same place theres someone who wants to live a life of clubbing and wants to get to gis clubs every day without being blown up then regardless of your differences you both have the same problem…how do we get to and from different places without being blown up…? We all know that as long as the arabs are at large theres no chance of that happening so now we reach our new conclusion…something has to be done about the arabs…there are a few options that have been brought to my attention…1) peace…my reaction is this…HAAAAAA!!! In which lifetime? you know the saying- dont bite the hand that feeds you? The arabs not only bite the hand but they’ll blow it off your body…they want to have their cakes and eat them too…too bad! they’re not getting any of the cake cause it just happens to belong to us, the jewish people…2)get them outta here…relocate them…blablabla…the world wont let us? WE, the jews, should relocate but that “palestinians” shouldnt…hello? doesnt anyone else see something wrong here? First come first serve…finders keepers, losers weepers…need i say more? 3)basically form a palestinian ghetto in the center of israel and have it gaurded day and night by our israeli soldiers…what did those poor soldiers ever do to you? why do they have to waste 3 years of their life gaurding discarded and disowned arab shit? personally, i think the only solution is to drop kick every single last arab off of the tallest building there is and shoot them as they fall down and then smash into a bloody pulp on the rough cemented ground…dont get me wrong…im not a bloody,gory and cruel person by nature and im not a racist-because racist pertains to people and arabs aren’t people…they’re animals…

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