Tomorrow it all ends…

I went with Cher today to buy Rhonda’s bday present…we bought her a black, padded push up bra, black undies and a black satin noghtie with a robe…it only came out to about $10 per person but since I only had bout $15 to my name it was expensive…:0)

Anyways, tomorrow is her surprise party and I hate to say but i’m gonna be so glad once its over…i’ve had to tell her so many little white lies because of it and make so many fucking phone calls to her moronic guy friends that i’m about to go bonkers…I dunno what to do bout Yoav yet but I think i’m going with him to help him choosea present for Rhonda tomorrow…we’ll see…

till later dudes…its still me, ur everlasting fucked up and discombobulated diarist…put your paws together for…BRAINIAC!!!

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