What to write…

What to write, what to write, what to write…I could write about how much I miss gila…or I could write about how hard school is for me and how I have to really start trying…or I could write about how much I wanna leave home because they’re killing whatever soul and spirit in me that I still have left…or I could write about how much I miss kissing Dave, feeling him next to me, holding me, wanting me…I could write how much I just miss him and wish we could still be together, Im better now…I know how to behave…I wont be such a bitch…or I could write about how I want someone to love me, I need someone to love me…how I want someone to want me, to hold me, to be there for me…but the one thing I choose not to talk about is me…and the countless reasons I have for ending my existance…:'(

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