All good things must come to an end…bad ones to

Well everybody, i’m not sure if i’m sad or glad to be saying this but the never ending saga with Dave…has ended… After we kissed again that monday, whenever I wanted to get together with him to talk about it he’d say he can’t cuz he has schoolwork and stuff…I got the feeling he was avoiding me but hey, lets give him the benefit of the doubt. So yesterday I asked him if he wants to talk cuz he came home from school early cuz of the strike and he said he couldn’t cuz hes getting together with Wolf…I said fine, whatever…but I had a feeling that he wasn’t being truthful so I told Rhonda to call him and ask if he wants to get together cuz hes bored and hes like-sure, i’m supposed to meet with Wolf but I can blow him off…then she said-never mind, its ok.

So today, while we’re at school she calls him and tells him that I told her to call yesterday and that I was behind the whole thing and she asked him why he lied to her and told her that hes not avoiding me when obviously he is and he just made up alot of excuses and then said that he really doesnt wanna talk to me about it cuz theres no reason to, and he doesnt really wanna talk to me anymore…i got so pissed off at him…before Rhonda hung up I told her to tell him I say goodbye and go to hell…GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!

Oh, btw, forgot to tell you guys, yesterday before this whole thing started, I came to the conclusion that I dont love him AT ALL!!!

wtvr, im pissed so i guess i’ll write more later…bye

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