Subpeonas and spring break
So court was this morning….I had it continued until today as I had to get the contracts. They wouldn’t accept the civil minutes to obtain the documents needed so Tuesday I got the subpoena and they didn’t have the documents ready. Went back and he continued it again until April 12th. He kept telling me that the lady needed to give me the paperwork then which is what I told the county employee but they kept tellng me how it might take awhile to achieve the paperwork. First off, it hasn’t even been a year so really how long would that take? Then I know when they recieve my timesheets, it gets scanned and sent to the worker assigned to the case so it’s in the computer system. Yes they might have to stop talking about who drank what and when and where and enter in some names and numbers but it’s not stored away in boxes up in Northern California. REALLY !?!?!? So I called the county yesterday towards the end of the day and the compliance lady who was very helpful at first told me the analyst working on my case was mailing me the documents and that she could not give me the analyst information. So I told the judge that lady at the compliance departments name as I didn’t have any other name. The judge said he’d go down and arrest her if he had more information which I doubt but whatever.
My question is and will be until the day I die, she did not show up, regardless of what happened, I should be awarded the money. If I was BSing and so on, wouldn’t she show up to defend herself? He knows she got served? Whatever
I am on spring break and it’s not exciting at all….Running around town for the last 4 days I am ready to sleep alllll next week which I still have off as well. Weather sucks but it’s Cali. Warden wants to go to Arizona. Ha she is high on something as the weather out there is insane. They do have the river/lake and air conditioners. I need to get some school work done as I need to start volunteering. Warden has therapy tonight so I might ask her and see. Mental health would be fun to be a medical coder. IDK how much work would be involved as IDK how many people have insurance versus no insurance. Still debating…I’d like to work in any mental health facility though.
Thats been it for now…applying for jobs. I applied for a job last night which would be watching a 3 month old from 4 PM until 10 PM or sometimes 12 AM. Hey it’s employment after my schooling. I’d be tired but I’d get use to a pattern. She asked how much experience I have had with infants and if I prefer child care in my home or hers as hers would be smarter for the baby as well as her as she can put cameras up, etc. But no response yet. I am praying there will be a response. She needs someone tomorrow night. I’m available. HELLO, can you hear me? lol need sleep sorry delirious!