JaSurMo #13
1. Do you own furniture from IKEA?
Did you forget I have no money? I wish….
2. Where are you going on your next vacation?
Somewhere far far far far away!
3. Do you sitll talk to the person you had your first kiss with?
No last I heard anything about him he is married and a preacher! Very proud of him!
4. If you could be an animal, what would you be?
Probably a dog…..you have the option of playing or sleeping alll day
5. Do you have a favorite sight?
Anything in the sky….I have a fascination with the stars. clouds, and moon (sun can come or go!)
6. D0 you consider yourself bi-polar?
7. Have you gone to threapy?
Yes when I was younger, my parents never understood why I hated school so they forced me to see a couselor.
8. Have you ever toiltet-papered someones house?
No not that but I have egged a house
9. Have you ever gone camping?
Yes it’s so peaceful…..Quiet, peaceful
10. Have you ever had a stalker?
Yes sadly a married man…he’d watch me at work when I worked at JCPenney’s
11. Have you laughed so hard you cried?
Yes, about a month ago…
12,. Have you ever felt betrayed by your best friend?
Well yeah not any recently but thats why they are no longer best friends….Sucks!
13. Ever been to a nude beach?
No not really but was at Lake Havasu where it was college party weekend and I think one to two people were wearing anything and of course my parents wanted to stop the boat in front of the the party boats to watch…
14. Have you ever been cheated on?
Not that I know of and hopefully they have enough brains to realize cheating is lame…