Rip It~~

So here is my mid week update. Ha, getting kinda used to not writing all the time. Something I might have to change, but I am not sure. So far what has being going on, is the same as yesterday, oh wait I didn’t say anything

Its still hot, and no rain. I semi rained last night, but it wasn’t enough. It was do humid today, that I was xpecting a down pour this afternoon, but no dice. So if anybody out there has rain that they can spare, send it down here. I will send you a thank you note, or but you on my Christmas list or something or another..

Got my boss all buzzed out today. Gave him an energy drink. I thought it was a good idea, till he started complaining of chest pains, and started looking a little pail. I was afraid to give him an asprin, cause I figured that would thin his blood out, and with all the "juice" in him, it might not be a good thing. I thought it was funny, but then again, not nice to take advantage of people..

I ordered my Baby Eagle today. Finally after about six months of getting it and not getting it. It should hopefully be here by Monday. I am too damn xcited. In case you don’t know what a Baby Eagle is..check out Its better than me trying to xplain it…

Watched the Lake House today, got it from Netflix. Its a good movie. It was for sure what I didn’t xpect. It was way better. Sometimes you need to get in touch with your softer Its all good. I will finally get National Treasure 2 on saturday, comming all the way from Tenn. LoL.

Been five days since I last talked to D. Yeah, still think about her, us, and what went wrong, and if there is anything we can fix. I keep saying to myself, that she just wants me to leave her alone, but she does not want to say it, cause she might feel bad for me. Or she dosen’t want me to be all sad for like ever and ever and ever. I don’t know, maybe all we needed was some time off. Said she was traveling last night when I sent her the goodnight txt. Said it was random. I asked what was random, that I said goodnight, or that I txted her. She didn’t answer. Txted me tonight saying phone died out on her. I was like cool. I wonder though, if we like stop talking, will the feelings I have for her go away, or just get stronger, cause I will miss her that much more. Or will it just make me appreciate her more, Kinda like the saying, don’t know what you got till its gone, or missing. Yeah, maybe there is a reason to all this. Whatever the case is, she allowed me to call her and leave her a voice mail. How I wish it was tomorrow already.

I guess that is about it. I was going to leave you with a song, but my dumb ass can’t figure out how to post youtube videos on here, so the lyrics will have to do…Always Saliva, just one of those songs….





I hear… a voice say dont be so blind…
Its telling me all these things…
That you would probably hide…
Am i… your one and only desire…
Am I the reason you breath…
Or am I the reason you cry…

Always… always… always… always… always… always… always…
I just cant live without you…

I love you…
I hate you…
I cant live without you…
I breathe you…
I taste you…
I cant live without you…
I just cant take anymore…
This life of solitude…

I guess that Im out the door…
And now Im done with you…

I feel… like you dont want me around…
I guess Ill pack all my things…
I guess Ill see you around…
Inside… it bottles up until now…
As I walk out your door…
All I hear is the sound…

Always… always… always… always… always… always… always…
I just cant live without you…

I love you…
I hate you…
I cant live without you…

I breathe you…
I taste you…
I cant live without you…
I just cant take anymore…
This life of solitude

I guess that Im out the door…
And now Im done with you…

I love you…
I hate you…
I cant live without you…

I left my head around your heart…
Why would you tear my world apart…

Always… always… always… always…

I see… the blood all over your hands…
Does it make you feel… more like a man…
Was it all… just a part of your plan…
This pistols shakin in my hands…
And all I hear is the sound…

I love you…
I hate you…
I cant live without you…

I breathe you…
I taste you…
I cant live without you…
I just cant take anymore…
This life of solitude

I guess that Im out the door…
And now Im done with you…

I love you…
I hate you…
I cant live without you…

I love you…
I hate you…
I cant live without you…
I just cant take anymore…
This life of solitude…
I pick myself off the floor…
And now Im done with you…

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nice lyrics..i heard that before.. ya u don’t no what u had till gone, heard that saying before too, way i see it what ever meant happen will with u two, got be true with ur self and her with what inside, what ever happens no faith has ur best interest at heart.. i am starting learn we can’t control other do to us, we can be honest to r self, attend who we r to others, ur good i can sense this

I know be her lost if she runs from u and not turns around, trust me so many girls out there, not too many good guys and that aspect if she doesn’t return things don’t fall together, u will have better fate on ur side in long run.