Almost there…


So, I wake up today to no voicemail. Didn’t sweat it. I can’t always have one. So, I didn’t worry to much. Not going to die if I don’t get one, and I don’t wanna make it seem like I am desperate either. So I get to work, and the phone rings..I wasn’t going to answer it, but I couldn’t help myself. Nice talk early in the mornging got the blood flowing.

I can honestly say, that if the hardware business goes under, I can always get a job as a bartender. I have a whole lot of xperiance mixing paint, so mixing a drink should be a piece of cake. I am still wondering why, all these people are wanting paint. Lets see today, in total, I had to do I think 15 gallons and two quarts. The two quarts were test subjects, so either one wil come back, and I am sure they will want gallons. I did some evening surf, which was a real pretty light blue, with a little bit of green in it. Then I had to do some spangled blue. It was a nice deep blue toned color. All in all, I keep getting diffrent ideas about what color to paint my room. I did another brown one, don’t remember the name, but it came out too dark for my liking. The customer will be in tomorrow moring to get it, and well lets see if she takes it. I have though seen a whole lot of fights happen in the paint room. Just the other day, a couple came in and wanted to paint the outside of the house. I was there inserting my two cents in, when things hot heated. She was like no, I will not paint the house that color, it looks tacky. He was like well I am going to paint it the way I want. It is our house, but I am the boss. With that I slide over to the right and left the area. All I could hear from the back was well fine do what you wanna do. The front door slammed, and the guy came over and said sorry about the slammed door, my wife can be a real b*YCH..I was like damn it…

Got to talking to JoJo again about his love live. He has no idea what he is doing. I remember when I was his age, I was the same. Dumb and imature. Funny he is 24 and three years ago, I was ahhh 24…lol. So I tried to guide him the right way of doing things, and the wrong way of going about broken hearts. It might have all fallen on deaf ears, or he might actually have listened to me. Then he asked me about D, and I told him. I says we are doing good. Haven’t argued in almost two weeks, that that has to be good. He was like you really like her huh..I was like how can you tell..he was cause I can see it in your attitude..when your phone vibrates and you open it up and read what she tells you. I was like dude is it that obvious..He was like night and day…

I watched Rambo tonight. It was alright. Give it an A for effort. Bloody, Gory, Violent, yeah all that and then some. I was left wondering if bullets really do that kinda damage, or if they decided to spruce it up a bit. Then again, maybe they actually do that, but other war movies just toned it down. All in all, I think it was alright. A must watch for sure, for any Rambo fan, but not for the weak of heart, and stomach for that matter. Now off to watch the Invisible…

Unanswered Questions for the night:

Why don’t you ever leave me a note….

Why go back to private notes…..

What did people say in your notes section about me after that entry…

Why isn’t it Saturday Night Already…



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That great u read what she says take her serious, can I ask u personal question that can help me, what was it about her made u take her serious, did she old off on u know or what it way she acted? her character. I just want be taken seriously…I need help.. I never seen rambo, and bartending seems like awesome job, drunk people don’t listen well

ryn: thank you

May 30, 2008

People like private notes so they can give advice privately. šŸ˜› Bwahaha!! I leave private notes when I feel like what Ihave to say is no one else’s business. šŸ™‚