Alright, Alright, calm yourself~~

So there I am. Once again, to bore you mind to death. Ha, that sounded kinda natural. Been one heck of a week. so I figured I would do an update for ya.

So I show up on tuesday, and xplain my plan to the boss about next friday half a work day, and saturday off. That plan went up in smoke in about 2 seconds when he told me he was not going to be back till June second. I was like damn it. But he said, but it isn’t written in concrete that I will be gone till then. That is just the plan. And I looked at him, didn’t say anything but thought to myself, yeah dumbass and gas it 25 cents a gallon. I have learned to be let down by him before. At times, I think he tries to pay me back for the times they treated him like sh(t while working at the store. See he was the grunt for 18 years. And now just cause he is part owner, he thinks it is cool to try and screw me out of the things he never got when he was the grunt. Got news for him, and it envolves the third finger from the left or right of my hand which ever way you wanna go, and if he gets lucky, he gets both hands. So as it sits, I will miss my cousins graduation. Then again, things could change. But this time, I will be changing So he is gone for the rest of the week, and next week as well. Guess someone will have to keep that chair in the office company. Ah what do ya know, I shall volunteer. LoL. Its all good. He is such a panzy. His wife threatened him in not going on vacation with him, unless he mowed the grass before they left. So this afternoon, he was looking for weedeater string. What a panzy..

I didn’t get my ass chewed as bad as I thought for the candles on Tuesday. After my plans went up in smoke, I xplained to him, that who ever installed those shelfs, and he finished the sentece for me by saying did a poor job on it, and I corrected him and said, no, they didn’t did a poor job..they did a piss poor job on them. So then I told him, and there is no way in hell, I am going to clean them candles to sell them again. So you can just forget about them. And forgot he did.

I was talking to JoJo today. He is my other helper. Another part timer, but not as bad as myspace. Little fellow, whom when he answers the phone people think he is a girl. Yeah, his voice is that bad. I have confused him at So I am telling him about D. Not like it is any of his business, but the bosses are not there, and it is so boring. I am kinda telling him bits and pieces of what is going on, in hopes that he can give me a diffrent point of view. Basicly, he agrees with me. That what I have done, I should not have done. And he even went as far as telling me, dude you are a dumbass. Great, now I am a dumbass being called that by a co-worker. Not going to fight it, cauase well it is the truth. So we talk some more, and well things got kind put into prespective. Can’t wait for round two tomorrow. But its always nice to have a second point of view. Not xactly nice for them to say xactly what you are thinking, but hey, atleast I am not the only one that knows that I am wrong.

Speaking of which, talked to D yesterday and today. It was nice. I told her, I was just going to let things run the course. I am going to try and stop trying to change anything. Before, I had the urge to always try and change how things were going. If she said she had a new picture, I was like bam..I want it now. If she said, something or another, bam, I always wanted the last word. Someone noted my and told me that is sounds like we are not on the same page. I thought we were, but we might be a couple of sentences off. I had always thought that I was right. That the way things were, were cause of my point of view, which was always right. But in this case, it isn’t. I have learned that, I am not always right, and that things are not always from my point of view. I have learned that i need to think before I speak, cause even though what I might wanna say seems right to me, isn’t the right thing to say. Not that I am changing for her, but I am changing for the fact that this deserves better. This whole time, the wall I was hitting, was my own self. I was trying too hard to make things seem right. When in fact, things were right all along, till I got it in my head that I needed to change them. Funny, she said that it had been three days since we last argued. I mean to keep it argue free, and I will keep it that way. That is my promise to you and her..:-)

Well I guess that is about it. Cranberry and Ketel…something else let me tell ya. LoL. So I must get to taking a shower. Funny, when I was telling her about my shower head..she kept laughing like it was funny. What is funny about shower head..if ya know..please let me I don’t get it. MMM, guess another sleepless night thinking about it…

Movie for the night..Amraggeddon. Or whoever you spell it. The one where the astroid is comming and nothing we can do about it. Favorite part is when the dude is like…consider a firecraker in the palm of your hand..light it, and it will hurt…wrap your hand around it, and you wife will be opening ketup bottles for you for the rest of your life. I just love it. Second best to when rockhound xplains how they landed on a piece or iron ferite. I just laugh when he goes, and who wants to know why…and he tells them..then they go how do you know, and he goes cause i am a genius. Ah, too many good quotes/parts. Can’t wait. But first a date with my shower head…




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May 23, 2008

Gas is only 25 cents? I think I need to move to Texas. I was watching the new this morning and Ohio is #10 on states with the most expensive gas. You think 10am is too early for some Ketel One?

May 24, 2008

Shower head…it does sound funny…when your mind is rolling about in zee gutter. As for your relationship, what I can make out of it this late in the game. Everyone has the right ot say what they feel. My guy and I have some serious communication breakdowns because we’re both two very dominant people. But, we make it through. You’ll find a way if you want it bad enough *hug*