dream world

Is truly fascinating.

Just had another strange dream.

P- a friend of mine is going through relationship problems in real life. In my dream his girlfriend and I ran into each other and began talking. We ended up at someone’s house. P called her and I answered the phone. He didn’t realize it was me at first and began talking to her. I stopped him abruptly. I told him that it was me and operation back together was in full effect, let me handle this. 

At some point E (my friend) and J (p’s friend) showed up. E became silly and somehow managed to get me on his shoulders. He began running around with me and I was afraid of my J finding this something to be jealous about, but I was more scared of falling. E rounded the corner and a fire escape was just ahead. He ran up to it and I grabbed hold. Finally he put me down.

My dream faded into another section or it was another dream altogether. I was looking at buying a house with a couple of my friends. It was enormous. It had a huge back yard as well as a huge side yard that seemed to intertwine. There were two pools. One on each side. We had joked about putting a sign on the door saying that nude sunbathing was going on so that none of us were surprised when we went outside. E, L & her husband, J, P and J were all there. We were scoping out the house and found a room downstairs. Everyone got comfortable and began hanging out, joking around and talking about all kinds of things. I was still curious about what was on the rest of the floor. I found a very small room. The room was long and narrow and had a single door that slid into place. I was contemplating what it was used for when my J walked in. He didn’t see there was a door on the room and was curious about what the room could be used for. I walked over to him (he was just inside the entrance) and closed the door. I slid into his arms and looked at him. He leaned down to kiss me. It was perfect, magical, the world slipped away and it was just the two of us. 

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