What to do????
This may be a little hard to follow along with, I apologize in advance.
A quick background note-
For the second half of the semester last year, things were not good at work. I ended up getting an unsatisfactory for the year because my prinicpal did not like my teaching style. I tried to work with them and nothing seemed to please them. I am appealing the rating that may or may not be approved.
At the start of this year, I came in with to schedule I was content with. As I walked in Tuesday morning, it had changed. I talked with my union chapter leader at the school and we decided that we would meet with the principal to try to remedy the situation. I wanted to leave, I didn’t want the headache and I didn’t want them to mess with me again this year, or think that I was complaining. (the schedule did violate contract, so I had no problem with asking for it to be changed). Anyhow, I met with them and it was fixed.
It is all very complicated. I can’t trust anybody as far as I can throw them. Some people are telling me one thing, others are telling me different things.
I really don’t know what to do in the light of events that have happened. Them working with me to change my schedule (is that because they had to or is it because they really do want to work with me.)
My two options are as follows.
1. Stay and deal with it and hope that everything works out and possibly put my license on the line.
2. Ask for a transfer that may be granted or denied and make them feel that I don’t want to be there.
I know that I want to talk to my union rep before I make any kind of decision. But, mom is pushing me to ask for a transfer. I keep telling her that I want to talk with my union rep before I make a decision and am truly tired of talking about it. I really just want it all to go away.
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