the greatest thing youll ever learn..
I just wrote the hardest text I’ve ever had to write in my life. Saying goodbye. And wishing him well. I actually feel like its over. Like. In my heart I feel it. It’s scary. And. Painful. All I want to do is curl up in a ball and cry. But I have barely any tears. I’ll cry for about a minute and a half and then stop. Knowing how much he ever believes me, he probably won’t accept that I was truthful in my text. I wish he’d just answer me so I can stop fretting. He might not even answer me.
Why do I feel like someone ripped my heart out of my chest and rubbed it in salt and put it back in my chest so it stings.
On a side note, my living room is fucking freezing I’m actually shaking.
…is just to love and be loved in return.