Hell hath no fury *edit

The assault on my immune system continues. I really don’t like waking up in the morning and not being able to swallow, and being all stuffy and achy and crap. I guess it could be worse, and I’m still running around town scattering my sick germs everywhere like I don’t have a care in the world. If I seem cranky it’s because I am.

Today I had to go to some orientation for new county employees. I basically learned that the county thinks I’m lame because I only work part time. Full-time employees get, among other things, free therapist visits. Well, they get 3 free visits for every problem they want to discuss. I was actually trying to think of things I could go in for before I knew it was only for FT folks. I don’t think I need to see a therapist and probably wouldn’t use the services anyway, but STILL (I’m basically kidding!).

Being in that county building also made me desperately hope that I would never, ever find that cheesy and wholesome office humor genuinely funny. I don’t know if people actually find that stuff funny or have just been practicing their fake laughs for a long time.

I wonder if the fact that some police badges are the same shape as the Star of David is just a coincidence? That wasn’t a gentle topic transition from the last paragraph. Oh well. I don’t know what else a six-pointed star represents, and I wish Google would look at my entire search history and use that information to send me interesting facts each day.

These are the things I have googled recently:

1. Star of David

2. CNN Puppedential debate

3. Salmonella poisoning

4. Sexy turtles

5. why does Mars shine like a star

6. Beatboxing

7. Silence of the Lambs bloopers

8. I hate Nicolas Cage

9. Why do hard boiled eggs explode?

10. Types of fruit

Here’s Jon Stewart’s coverage of the Puppedential Debate. Anderson Cooper can do no wrong, methinks:

The Daily Show With Jon StewartM – Th 11p / 10cRoad to the Doghouse – Puppedential DebateBarack Obama Interview
John McCain InterviewSarah Palin Video
Funny Election Video


Oh, so several of you responded to that ‘ex still having a thing for me after many years’ entry. I found out the night I wrote that that he’s on house arrest until December 2009 for something involving a stolen gun that he didn’t know was stolen. Uhhhm, okay? Guys who mess around with mysterious stolen guns, do Mixed Martial Arts, and don’t get my jokes aren’t exactly the kind of dudes I would like to get close to. Maybe we can be friends.

I think I’m going to go be sick for awhile now. Later players!


fyi: “sexy turtles” results in lots of pictures of turtles doing the nasty, and one video where a small turtle appears to be moaning. Totally not worth googling. I originally looked it up because of those sexy turtle pics I posted a couple of entries back– I was curious to see if a market exists for turtle fetishists, and if I had accidentally posted some kind of pornographic images on OD. It doesn’t seem to be the case.

I’m in a phone talking mood but can’t think of who to call. That is all.

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January 6, 2009

i totally know what you mean about cheesy office humor. Whenever I get into the elevator my building i just wanna shoot myself haha…i know just listen to my ipod. ANd if anyone says “Is it Friday yet?” one more, I swear I’m gonna go ape-shit on their ass! lol Cheers And thanks for the note :]

January 6, 2009

I’m oddly curious to know what sort of websites “sexy turtles” yielded in your search. I’d take a big pass on the ex from HS if I were you. Sounds like you dodged a pretty big bullet there. 🙂

January 7, 2009

re: You are so nice! He is pretty cute, isn’t he?! HOW DID YOU EMBED THAT VIDEO? I’m seriously having all kinds of trouble finding any reputable source that will give me step by step directions! I feel like such a noob, and I’ve been on OD for years!

January 7, 2009

re: Yeah, I knew the trouble stemmed from having the WYSIWYG editor on. You’re right, though. I HATE not having it turned on. I’ve gotten so spoiled and used to it. But thank you! I’ll have to try that next time I find myself taking a video, haha. 🙂

January 7, 2009

Hey Deb. We all got the sickness too. I wonder what’s going on in GA? :/