A brownie in my pocket
..and a brown chunk in my lincoln logs.
::sigh:: Im sitting here doing nothing, and blah blah blah.. My laundry is in the washer. Boy, isn’t technology wonderful?
And oh yeah, to confirm all suspicions, there is a brownie in my pocket. I’m wearing these pajama shorts things, so it’s not like it’s all mashed, constricted into a resemblance of a turd.. no, he’s just resting in there comftorably. And why, you might ask, is there a brownie in my pocket? Ya know, I’m not real sure. It seemed like a convenient and fitting place to put him at the time, and the poor little bastard just hasn’t seemed to find his way out. The odd thing is that I can smell him.
I had to tape that thing for Comp class today.. actually, I had to leave early because I had to get ready for work, and I only ended up being in one scene, and somehow they had to make that realistic in the tape.. because I was supposed to be in more than one scene. I’m not sure how they did it though. They said it’s a surprise. I was working with Caity and Lauren, and even though I hated them last year they’re actually really nice. It’s funny how people can turn out cool when you give them a chance.
So, I had work today. Only 2 hours, which was good because I had dining room/dishes duty, and my back was hurting from standing up that long (I spent the night at renee’s last night, and my back hurt like a bitch when I woke up, because I slept quite dreadfully). I don’t have to work again till Friday.. my paycheck will have a whole ::gasp:: 5 hours on it! I like just having started out, because they don’t work me much because they are still training me. Yay.
I’m letting my mind analyze too much, as it always does, when concerning relationships. I’m letting my past experiences make me paranoid, and also it is making me want to pull away. I am fighting it, because I realize how unreasonable it is. Perhaps this is my mind telling me that I need more “ME TIME” to sort everything out, and that being thrust into another relationship just isn’t the right thing to do. Either that, or I need to listen to myself more or go about things differently. This doesn’t necessarily mean I have to break things off with him, but I know something has to change. And that’s hard for me to say, but I know it has to be done. So hopefully things will work out. I’m fairly confident they will.
This is probably the longest diary entry I’ve written in awhile. Im guessing thats because there isnt anyone online for me to talk to right now, and I havent really talked to anyone for a good part of the day. I am sore from working.. I have to walk around constantly and clean up after people, and also listen to peoples complaints in the bathrooms and it sucks. But I guess its ok because Im getting paid for it, and hell, things could be worse. Lots of cute guys work there. But surprisingly thats not really whats on my mind.
Right now my shoulder hurts from typing. Time to go!
::wwhhhhhheeeeeeeeeeeeeee:: ^_^