Reporting live from Cave Renee (the horror!!!)

Here I am, out in the field, risking all to report to you LIVE from the depths of Cave Renee. Things are quiet right now, a nice change from earlier when a torrent of rats came flooding across my bare and vulnerable feet.. I am usually brave, hardened by this exhausting field of work, but even I became emotional, falling to my knees and crying out in agony to the humbled rat god. I angrily shook my fist at the heavens, yelling curses to any creature demented enough to let such things go on..

Ahhh! I just witnessed something horrifying.. 2 large, horribly wicked, rat like creatures just attacked something.. I cant make out what it is from here. Maybe I should get a little closer.. I think I will.

Oh! I dont know what it was, but it is truly mutilated now.. only a spiky red and black blob lies in this place. It is a frightening sight.. Oh god.. I think I might be sick. Who knew such madness could reside in such a normal looking place..

The beasts have subsided.. once again, everything is quiet. Wait.. whats that? I seem to be hearing rustling.. footsteps.. I hear long toenails scraping across the floor, but much to my horror, I cant seem to make anything out.. the noises are definitely coming closer, twisting my soul into an amorphous, lifeless nothing. I hear breathing.. heavy, only from the pits of hell, calling to me.. the heavy panting seems to mesmerize me, yearning to pull me close, to drain all of my resistance, and to steal any life I might have in my frail body. Pure and raw terror is welling up in me, now exploding into millions of pieces, like shrapnel, piercing all parts of me, and the terror shoots through my body, engulfing me in a suffocating wave.

Ohh.. I dont know how much more of this I can take.. it seems neverending, stuck in a lifeless void, between all that is real, and all that is horribly tumultuous.. the very ground I stand on seems ready to come alive, opening its gaping jaws and leaving me buried alive in a writhing hell.. the whole atmosphere seems alive and festering.. I can feel it picking away at me, my soul being nothing more than sands in an hour glass..

I will try to remain calm.. it is my job to assess the situation calmly.. yes.. calm..

But.. no! I am suddenly overwhelmed by terror.. thunderous scuffling of tiny mutilated feet is almost deafening.. the beasts call out, screaming and moaning horribly as they go.. their bellowing calls echo, and come to my ears, piercing like shards of glass.. now I hear a voice.. and actual human voice! Can it be? I think so.. I have hope. Let me listen to what this voice is saying.. Ohhh.. no.. this is no ordinary human voice.. this voice sounds like pure evil, beyond any comprehension..yet disguised in a high pitched and curious tone.. this creature is surely no creation of god.. truly, it is something born from this festering hell.. only something such wretched circumstanses could produce. The creature speaks to the beasts.. they obey it.. it seems to communicate with them.. my stomach is tying up in knots, and I am nauseous.. I can feel the raw and primitive emotions of my raw terror bubbling madly at the base of my spine.. slowly the fear moves up my spine, and I feel like everything I once was will be lost in this emotional storm.. theres nothing I can do to stop it.. it is overpowering, and I feel.. I feel.. nothing.

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