What are your thoughts on abortion? ~ I dont know. I mean, really. Some people feel they have to do it, so what can you do?Even if you make it illegal, people will still carry it out in their basements and shit.. so it doesnt matter what I think.(Well of course it MATTERS what I think.. I just dont currently know what the hell to say about it) It matters what those women think. And if I ever get in that situation, hopefully not, then Ill let you know.
What do you think about reincarnation? ~ I think I could believe in it. Well,that, or past lives. To some extent. I think heaven and hell is a bunch of BS, and basically everyone is basically a ball of energy when they die.. everything revolves around passing on of energy, and so on.
Should religion be in schools? ~ HELL NO. That would be completely idiotic. Well, in public schools anyway. People have the right to believe in whatever the hell they want and it shouldnt be pushed on them by people trying to conform us all into a bunch of mindless zombies.
Do pop stars have an obligation to be good role models? ~ They KNOW children are watching them, so I think if they get in the business they should naturally assume that they ARE role models. Then maybe they’ll realize to stop doing all the stupid shit that gets them in trouble. Or you can still do all that but be more sneaky, and stop getting caught.
Is sexual orientation a choice? ~ Oh hell, I dont know. People need to stop being so caught up with this question, and just let people be the way they are.
Whats your veiw on inter-racial relationships? ~ Theres nothing wrong with it. We’ve gotten past the civil rights era and I think people should be free to do whatever the hell they want. Its really not a big deal.
Can/Should teens have longlasting, meaningful romantic relationships? ~ If they can actually understand and comprehend everything that will come out of a relationship like that.. or at least try and be responsible (I had my first long lasting relationship at 12, so I got an early start.)
Is there anything morally wrong with the soceity we live in? ~ Morals are for boring people. Rules, rules, rules! Sure there is stuff morally wrong, but thats what makes it interesting.
Will there ever be world peace? ~ No. Its too much to ask. Am I being pessimistic? No. But just think about it. Its crazy.
Should marijuana be leagalized? ~ No,people should be HIGH on LIFE!! =p
Do you watch Survivor? ~ no. stupid rich white people trying to survive, still having the important things given to them..
What are your favorite tv shows? ~ Invader Zim, The Simpsons, etc
Do you read any magazines? not lately
Do you want to be famous/what for? ~ Nah. Its all superficial titles anyway. Well, I dunno. It might be cool, but I dont want to have to actually DO anything.
How should the media cover the school shootings? ~ I dont know.
Are we as a society desensitized to sex and violence due to tv and movies? Movies? No. Its just so much sex and drugs is out there.. probably from TV. =p
If you could only listen to one CD for the rest of time, which one would it be? ~Before These Crowded Streets-DMB
What type(s) of music do you like the most? ~ whatever the dmb is.. rap, hiphop, country, pop, all that shit
Is Eminem a musical genus, or a jerk? ~ Both. He has cool music though, and daaamn he is sexy,
Is music an important part of your life? ~ Yes. I spend a lot of time with music.
Are you musically inclined? ~ I used to play the clarinet. I sing in the shower. I used to be in choirs when I was younger
What do you look like? ~ Description: blonde hair, blue eyes, about 5’4 , and so on
Do you gossip? ~ ohh yeah. Well, not that I want to admit it. But I really do. So do all my friends. Its interesting.
Do you lie? ~ Quite a bit. Well, sometimes. It depends on the situation, and if Im feeling feisty. Im not scared to admit it..
Whats your dream job? ~ in psychology, or working with animals or something. A zoo would be cool. I could feed penguins and ride tigers.
Do you have emotional issues carried over from childhood? ~ Yep. Its very hard for me to trust people, Im very paranoid sometimes, and I dont want to get married, and stuff like that
Who were you raised by? ~ my mom and dad, and my ex stepmom
Would a stray pack of wolves done a better job in raising you? ~ Grrrrr
Ever been a bully? ~ I can be if someone messes with somebody I care about, or if someone is just being stupid and deliberately trying to get on my nerves. I wouldnt want to be on my bad side when Im very angry.
Ever been bullied? ~ Yes, I remember a guy when I was in the 1st grade, he was in the 5th grade and wouldnt let me leave the school..he would always block my way and make me cry
Favorite quote? Pain is inevitable, suffering is optional –the world is round and the place which may seem like the end may only be the beginning
How mature are you? ~ Pretty mature.. but I can be immature. Ive been through some wierd things so I have a lot of experience, which I guess makes me mature.
Fallen in love? ~ Yes.. silly naive little debbie
Lost a loved one due to a mental illness? I did have my first love tell me to calm down when my parents were fighting because he seriously thought i was crazy
Lost a loved one due to death? ~ My Gpa is the closest.. but I didnt know him that well
Been abused? ~ kinda
Are kids educated enough about sex? ~ Yes. Everyone seems to know everything
Who hurt you? ~ Several people. And they will PAY! *laughs menacingly*
Does anyone know the real you? ~ Some people. Its getting more common now, because I realize I have nothing to be ashamed of.
Do you ever want to run away and be at one with nature? ~ Yes. I think everyone, well, at least me, needs to get back to nature and be in touch with it all! I told my step brother when I was little that I wanted to be a mountain man when i grew up.
What gives you peace? ~ music, being around people who care about me (and who dont annoy me!)
Do you love yourself? ~ Yes. Everyone needs to get past it all! A little bit of arrogance is to be expected, also. BOW TO ME!
Are you living or just alive? ~ Well, Im not dead. So, either way, Im living. To be alive is to be living.
RYN: But then you have to get matches…and who can afford that? (*ignores fact that matches are free at most bars/restaurants*) Why is abortion the first question? Personally, I’m pro-choice, not pro-life. But does that mean I’m pro-death? I’m not a sadist or anything…the whole thing warps my mind.
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