Chewwie wants NoTeS. Now!
la la la la la la la la la la
I -told- you I’d end up writing again.. I’ve been going to a lot of websites and learning how to make my letters Bigger and smaller. I probably sound really bored. Well, because I am!
Once again I thought about pursuing my dream of eating the cheese sausage that I discussed in the last entry. But once again, it’s not happening. Damn it all! And now this is kind of lame because I seriously have nothing to write about.. nothing has happened since my last entry. it was only a little while ago that I wrote it. But damn.. I can’t really go to sleep yet because it might throw my whole night-owl persona out of whack. We can’t have that now, can we? But I think of how useless it is to stay up all night when there is noone to talk to. Well, there’s always Chewwie, of course.Oh yeah, for those of you who don’t know, Chewwie is my cat. She’s one of the meanest bitches you’ll ever meet.
Oh yeah, I’m pissed. I don’t exactly know why. All of the sudden I just got angry. Could it be the sleep medicine talking? Or could it be Eric ?
Well, I think, once again, this entry is coming to a close. Erp. Alright then!