I want cheese SAUSAGE!!


Ok, Im sitting here.. -BORED- See, noone is online. And because of my fxckn CRAZY dentist, I cant really eat a wide variety of foods. The rest of the people I live with {I dont like to call them “family” b/c of my stepdad..} Better yet, my family + my stepdad had these really neat seasoned french fries, and hot dog/sausage things w/ cheese inside for dinner. Now after eating SOUP and YOGURT all day, I was quite hungry. Now I managed to eat the french fries.. but what I really wanted was the cheese hot dog sausage thingy. But alas, I never ate it! *sigh* Then I was stuck eating ice cream.. now, this isnt so bad.. but after so much ice cream you start to crave real food! Or at least food that isnt.. uhh.. Ice Cream.

Also, I was talking to my bro earlier, and Im assuming that he ditched me for his girlfriend. He told me Marcus was sleeping. Am I surprised by this? Hell no! It always happens. Josh sent me some lyrics for a rap song he wrote, they are pretty good. Damn, I hate babbling!

Nah, babbling is cool. Sooo.. I really hope I get that job. I need all the $$$$ I can get if I hope to move out at the end of the yr! First I gotta make sure my nazi dentist doesnt try to kill me in my sleep.

Ya know what I think the biggest conspiracy of our time is? TIME. I have 2 clocks that can never disagree on what time it is. One right now says 11:50. The other says 11:43. Which one do I believe? And how do I know that one isn’t working for the government, which plans to plant a tracking device in my brain, and/or kill me in my sleep? Sure, I could set the clocks so that they say the same time, but I think it would take away all freedom of expression that still exists in this house after Roger has run his rampage.Why should I believe what people tell me when it refers to time? What if it’s last year? What if it’s yesterday? The possibilities are endless!

I took a quiz that said I was a Caramilk. Whatever the hell that is. Caramel is good though.

Damnit, I really need the courage and logical reasoning to break up with Eric. All the reasons (for me, anyway) are there, but I always wuss out and start thinking too much about how he’ll feel. Silly me and my moments of niceness.

So, time to end this entry. Perhaps I’ll write again before the night is through. I know, you’re excited, but I’m afraid you’ll just have to wait.. I still love you, though.

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July 25, 2002

This is gonna sound cliche probably, but the longer you wait to break up with this person the more it will hurt them. Be honest. Be direct. It’s like taking off a band aid… if you do it quick it’s just a little sting 🙂 One other thing… you seem to have an aweful lot of food at your disposal. Seems silly for one to complain about variety when there are hundreds of thousands of people dying

July 25, 2002

of hunger every day. People that hadn’t taken a bite of anything in weeks before they drew their last breaths. Not to be too much of a downer.. just wanted to make you think for a minute. I like your diary 🙂 Keep writing, I’ll keep reading