Soccer game Pt.2
So we waited for Renees dad, and he came a little while later.. Renee gave her dad some leftover popcorn, thinking he would stuff his face and not say too much crazy stuff.. and it worked pretty well. But of course he kept talking to Simon, the poor guy.. But he had his arm around me, and he was resting his head, and hes like “wake me when we get there”.. so I agreed, but Renees dad kept talking to him so he really didnt get to rest! But, he didnt seem to mind.. me and Simon talked a little,while Renees dad was busy munching on cold popcorn.. and when we were getting near his house he said “Aww, I have to go” sounding genuinely disappointed.. but before he got out of the car, he asked if he could have a goodnight kiss on the cheek, so i agreed and kissed him on the cheek. Good to take things slow! So then he got out of the car, and we drove away! But this was like 24 hours ago, and right now I am tired so I am done with this entry! Cyaz!