Tarot cards, and a penguin joke!
Nothing really interesting happened yesterday..me dad marie casey and steven went around to places for a little while.. marcus came over and i guess we/they were gonna do something, but him and jimmy ended up sleeping. which sucked, because then i had nothing to do, but i guess i understand it because they had been staying up, n marcus had been staying up the most between the 2.. I even slept somewhat regular hours last night..It was wierd. I actually woke up in the morning and had a decent nights sleep! Oh well.. today me and Brent got in a huge fight. He was complaining and all this shiz.. and was getting on my nerves. I cant believe how inconsiderate he is. But you know what?I dont care! We’re not talking anymore, which is good, because all he does is bring me down, and make me depressed and sad. Its good that I am finally cutting him off from me. I need the change! Hopefully today we can do something. I mean, something VERY interesting.*wink wink*
I gave myself some tarot readings..I’ve always believed that crap,and they’ve always come true for me.I did a full one about my love life.. It said something good should happen, and I have to wait for the right time before I take action.But how will I know when that will be? What if I miss the so-called opportunity, and I am lonely forever, or I miss out on perhaps the best relationship of my life?Damn, I dont even know what the hell I’m talking about.
Tarot cards predicted my moving to Auburn, and my moms boyfriend moving in. Hopefully the dern things are right. But how do I know?Maybe this is the time that they’re wrong.I dont know why I am such an obsessive worrier about things. I just always like to be prepared, but then again I dont, because that would be boring. I dont want to be rambling on about useless stuff. So I will write a joke.This is a joke I told Marcus, and I guess he liked it.. It’s about a penguin…
One day a penguin took his car to the mechanic. The mechanic said it might take awhile, so the penguin decided to go for a walk.He came upon an ice cream stand, and it was a hot day so the penguin decided to get some.Now,since he doesnt have hands,he was kindof messy. Soon after, he went back to the mechanic, and the mechanic explained the problem. “It looks like you blew a seal” the mechanic said. “Oh no”,said the penguin,”this is just ice cream!”
Hey, thanks for your note. I have another, more interesting diary that I write in: Painted Rain }|{. That one is a little better than my self pity one I made on a whim. Thanks for the encouragement.
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