
Not much goin on today. Yesterday me Micheal Marcus and Josh played volleyball in the Wal-Mart parking lot~!~ I guess Micheal and Stacey got in a fight, and he got her flowers and a card.. She’s easy! She’d probably be nice if I talked to her, but I’ve just heard things.. Anyway! I guess it’s good that he’s in a somewhat stable relationship, even tho they haven’t been together that long!

Also yesterday , me marcus and kenny went to cloudland canyon, this hiking place or whatever.It was neat and everything, but there was a lot of stairs and i started to hyperventilate, and i almost puked!We got to see the 2 waterfalls, but there were people making out at one of them so we left. Damn them! I also saw a group of bad ass ants devouring a caterpillar~!~ We were tapping them and crap, and they started running around in circles, and eventually the biggest ant just picked the whole damn thing up and tried to carry it away! He was doing pretty good till he got stuck in the sand, in which instance Kenny helped him to the rock. I wanted to take him, but we left. Oh yeah, I remember. I wanted to explain a statement I made in a previous entry, bout Marcus bein like a wierd gay brother, or something. Well I wanted to say that I didn’t mean it to sound bad. In fact, I’d probably die without Marcus! He’s like the only male, aside from family, that I am the closest to completely trusting. He is a sweetheart tho. He might be wierd but all of us is wierd! And by the way he’s not gay. Anyway, I just wanted to say that.Thnx!

Sometimes I am scared that I let my mouth flap too much! A lot of things have been messed up from me not thinking about what I say before I say it. I guess I just get caught up in my emotions sometimes. I try to be careful of that but I guess I’m an emotional person! There have been so many times when I regret something that I’ve said, in fact right now I am in this situation with one of my friends. You should know who you are, and if you don’t then thats probably good because it means what I said didn’t affect you! Woohoo! Well anyway, I guess I should be going, I have written enough for this point in time. Cyaz!

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Aww shucks…thanks Debbieeeee! Whenever you need a weird, gay brother, I’ll be here for you. 🙂 Marcus

July 16, 2001

hehe sounds like ya had fun 🙂 hmmm…so that’s how kenny really spends his spare time, eh? pokin at ants.. lol guess that’s why i like him so much -angel