Such a simple food could represent my life, and, me for that matter! Take the can, it seems like a simple enough object, but it is very hard to open if you dont have the right tool ((can opener)) or in my case, the can, is like my heart! And very hard to open without.. well i dunno the specifics yet.Then once you open it, you turn over the can and everything plops out at once with that gross sucking sound.This represents how when I gain trust I let everything out quickly, to keep my thoughts or feelings from being dissected or scrutanized. Then, you have to heat up the little raviolis..this is like someone having to get to know me and to “warm up” to me..Then, you take the ravioli’s outof wherever you warmed them (not my business) and stir with your fork.. this represents how you gently have to be forceful to gain my..umm..ravioli!Then you can eat,one at a time, and of course this represents how you have to savor every morcel,one at a time, and cherish every ravioli that I give you! ((and this is the sad part)) Then, when the bowl is empty, you wash it out and get another can, if youre still hungry. This represents how people get tired of other people, to say their bowl has been cleaned, and you wash away all the feelings and memories and find someone else, if you’re still “hungry”. The End.
I dont know why I thought of that. But everytime you open a can of anything;ravioli, corn, peas, dog food;think of all the things that could be sealed up in that little hunk of, whatever it is, and cherish every little experience you have with it! Or, you could eat it and ,well, whatever. But anyway, I realize I am starting to ramble about things that don’t even make sense.. just try to get me OK? Well, I shall depart, and leave you with this one thought:
~*~It hurts to love someone and not have them love you in return, but what hurts more is to love someone and never find the courage to tell them how you feel~*~