I want some Sex!

I’m about ready to go out and find a guy to have sex with just to see what Josh would say. I can’t tell for sure if he has found someone else, or what is going on. All I know is no matter how hard I try it doesn’t get any better. I have try talking with him again today about what is going on and how he is feeling, but I didn’t get much out of him.

He doesn’t want to talk about it. Hell if he can’t talk to me about things then who is he talking or, or who can he talk to about things that he can’t talk to me about. I am his girlfriend; I’m the one he always talked about marring, so if I am the “one” for him then why is it he can’t talk to me? Why can he touch me anymore? No matter how hard I try to get him to touch me anymore it never works.

I see him talking to other people and I get jealous because I want to be the one he talks to. I don’t know if he is talking about what is going on with him or just work or what ever, but I still wish I could be the person he talks to. I’m not going to give up on him, but at times it doesn’t seem like I have a choice, it seems like I should give up on him and find someone else.

I just love him so much, I can’t see my life with out him in it, I have always seen him and me with kids, a nice place anything I always see him with me. Love is just a pain in the ass at times. Who ever said love is easy was on something, cos it isn’t.

On a happier note… I am going to be getting a raise at work. WooHoo! My boos talked to be about it today, I may even be able to go out of state for some things they are having at work. I don’t know for sure what it is just yet, but I am hoping I can go. I need to get a way for a little while. Get my head together. I’m not going to say get laid, cos I couldn’t do that, even though I REALLY want to get laid! I am go horny it isn’t even funny. I do things for myself, but that can only do so much. I want some dick! 🙂

If I have to I am going to just take Josh if he likes it or not, and believe me I will make sure he likes it a LOT. Well I need go take a shower now, and get some thing to eat.

Want Some Sexual`Pleasures

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you have just been hit by a random noting spree!! lol have a great summer 🙂

I have felt your pain for the past two months since this girl broke up with me. I really wish I still had hre because I too have some sexual tension to release. Thanx for the note.

Interesting links to diaries you have posted!! thanks.. and have a wonderful day

::quietly raises his hand to volunteer:: 😉 It’s all so tough, I hear you. I 100% hear you.