I have not killed them…yet

Wow I really am not keeping this thing up am I?

I see OD upgraded once again, and I’m not sure what to say about it just yet, haven’t looked at everything, thought to post an entry first then read notes and all that fun stuff then check out OD.

Not much really has changed, well I was sick for a bit there. I couldn’t eat anything without having to run to the bathroom so I didn’t eat anything, just drank alot of water and sprite. It seems to help some. I’m better now, thank god! It sucked feeling like that… heck my whole body was sore I didn’t want to move! Getting out of bed when you feel like that is not fun, I can tell you that.

Other news is my aunt is still the same pretty much. Hell this morning she starting bitching about stupid crap… how things are going to change and this and that…. yea things need to change before I end up beating the ever lovin crap out of her son! Why you ask? Well let me tell you a story….

Last week I believe it was, or the week before, I don’t remember… we were went out to my brothers, and when we came back I put up the gate again because Sue and Shawn had it down (it’s a small gate that I put up to block off my room from the living room this way the dog can’t get in my room and the cats can go in and out with no problem and if the dog goes after them they can run in my room and not have to worry about him getting to them) Well when Shawn came back down stairs he didn’t like that I put it back up and starting saying how it’s going to be left down and I’m not no, it’s not it’s my room I want it up… he’s like it’s my house and blah blah blah, he starts yelling at me and getting in my face and even pushing me, now you can get in my face all you want, I just get back in yours, but you don’t put a hand on me. So needless to say I was ready to push him (he would have ended up on his ass because he has no balance) and beat the crap out of him, but I heard my name so I didn’t do that, I just made it so he wasn’t pushing me by blocking and lightly pushing his hands away from me.
So after that if he ever puts his hands on me again he will be on the floor with me beating the crap out of him, unless someone is around to grab me and pull me away before I start. I don’t care how pissed off you are at me, you will not touch me, hit me or push me. I don’t play that. Besides with Sue always bitching about something, but not even listening to anyone when they tell her what she needs to hear is really getting annoying and that it not helping anyone in this house.

It just makes me love my family that much more! Yea right!!!

Oh we never did have that talk Sue told me we needed, though she did say to Shawn this morning when she was doing her bitching that they will be a talk and things will change…. Yea uh huh sure, let’s see if that one goes.


Before you ask your question, make sure I haven’t answered it already…
Sex*Goddess’s Guide


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March 4, 2009

so honestly, since you’re not in a relationship then how did you come up with your last “story”? Did you get it out of a Penthouse, or make it up? Either way, it was good. Think about making another one. Trust me, you know how to write!

ryn: so does that mean all I have to do is ask? 🙂 Does that involve me being on my knees and begging? lol

I like a lot of the new functionality, but they didn’t really think it through all that well from what I can tell.

Sex*Goddess may I please see your boobs. I’m down on my knees begging you please! 🙂

March 4, 2009

I’m sorry about the living situation. That totally sucks.

March 4, 2009

Too right! I wouldn’t put up with some stuck up brat pushing me around either, who does he think he is? Ahhh I would be quite annoyed to say the least lol xxx

ryn: my email addy is stripandstroke4u@yahoo.com

March 13, 2009

Just so ya know I can’t make ANY entries. The Diary master is looking into it for me. Any posts ya see are from him not me. Like the Test post. So when I’m able to write in my diary I’ll make a entry hun. Sorry I can’t post.Hugs~