The Count Down….

Ten Things I Wish I Could Say to Ten Different People Right Now:
1. For the love of god, Why are you still with that ass hole?
2. I am still in love with you, and I wish we could be together.
3. The only one who believes your lies seems to be your parents, so shut the hell up!
4. I meant what I said, I love how you show me that you didn’t mean what you said.
5. Man I would love to beat the hell out of you.
6. Why did you start smoking again? Stop it, 1 you don’t have the money and 2 it’s not good for you!
7. I’m not stupid I do have a brain, you don’t know everything!
8. Stop crapping yourself, for ALOT of reasons.
9. Why aren’t you here with me? Though you would want more then what I would give.
10. Stop thinking you are better then me just because you have more money, that doesn’t mean crap.

Nine Things About Myself:
1. I like pasta, it’s yummy.
2. I’m am a big goof ball.
3. I don’t act my age.
4. I don’t eat 3 deals a day like I should, most times it’s just once a day.
5. Black is my fave color. (Not like its hard to see that. lol)
6. I suck at video games, but I still play at times just to laugh at myself.
7. I’m short, even for a girl, but I guess my boobs make up for it, well thats what some people say anyway.:)
8. I can’t dance.
9. I never know what to say about myself.

Eight Ways to Win My Heart:
1. Don’t lie to me.
2. Make me laugh.
3. Don’t hate that I don’t open up all the time, or that fast.
4. Don’t think you can tell me what I can or can’t do.
5. Listen, don’t just act like you are.
6. Don’t make me do something I don’t want to do.
7. Talk to me, don’t hold everything in.
8. Be yourself, and let me be myself.

Seven Things That Cross My Mind A Lot: (in no particular order)
1. Money.
2. How can I get a job without having a car.
3. Every damn morning the same thing GOD!
4. Why am I here?
5. I’m bored.
6. Do I have to get up?
7. I wish I could have him.

Six Things I Do Before I Fall Asleep:
1. Get ready for bed if I’m not.
2. Lay down
3. Read (sometimes)
4. Get comfy
5. Close eyes
6. Think about something,

Five People Who Mean A Lot:
1. Olaf
2. Gary
3. Mark
4. Angel
5. Kim … though there is some more.

Four Things I’m Wearing Right Now:
1. Night shirt
2. Night pants
3. Ring
4. Watch

Three Songs That I Listen to Often (Currently):
1. I Know You by Heart
2. It’s My Life
3. When Love and Hate Collide

Two Things I Want To Do Before I Die:
1. Go to the places I want to see.
2. Make everyone I love and care about happy.

One Confession:
1. There’s a reader/fave that I would like to get to know a bit better, but never will. 😀


I was bored enough to do this, I just don’t remember where I got it.

Before you ask your question, make sure I haven’t answered it already…
Sex*Goddess’s Guide


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November 9, 2008

Wow cool entry. I might have to do this sometime. Hope ya weekend is going well. I’ve been busy making everyone tags. lol Did I get any boxes unpacked this weekend? Hmmm TWO! lol Hope ya night is going well. Big hugs~

i love that song by def lepard. I thought I was the only one!!!

ryn: yeah…i don’t really give a rats ass what she thinks or said. but it does kind of knock the wind of the sails for a day or two.

November 23, 2008

shear curiousity, what are night pants?