More questions you wanted from me…:-p

Here are the questions I didn’t do before.

Will you ever go out with me?

Now this is a question I didn’t think I would get on OD. 🙂 First off you don’t even live in the same state as I do, yes it’s only what one state away, but still why would you even want to when you can get someone alot closer that would be better for you. Plus I’m not even looking, don’t want to go down that road, I thought I told you that before… maybe I didn’t I don’t know.

Can you put up a pic of yourself, I’m sure I am not the only one who would love to see you?

I"m sure people have seem me if they have gone to my myspace, but I don’t have the link up anymore so I guess I can put a pic up here for you if you really want to see me. This is about a year or 2 old, but nothing has changed, well maybe my hair darker less red, I donno…:)

oh so sexy......ha! lol :-p

Are you ever going to give me my kiss?? I am still waiting!!! Though I am still waiting for my story as well but…:)

I told you come here and get it, but no you aren’t listening to me, so till then you don’t get it. :-p Besides you have Beth there, you know she will be willing to give it to you for me. Damn girl you are a pain! :-p

Ok I think I am going to go now, my show is on…. later all.



Before you ask your question, make sure I haven’t answered it already…
Sex*Goddess’s Guide



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November 7, 2008


November 7, 2008

Ya very Pretty. Love ya eyes hun. Big Hugs~

November 9, 2008

so young looking for such mature answers

February 13, 2009

well aren’t you a sexy lil thang!