Post plus 2 questions

To many people now! I haven’t been on much because I have been helping my sister move out of her place. She couldn’t save money where she was so she moved in here with my aunt. SO now I have all kind of things around in my room from the kids. I don’t mind it, just need to find a place for everything still and not having much luck with it, but I will get there some how.

Though now the cats are not really leaving my room because of my sisters dog. He doesn’t really so to much to them, mostly because they don’t stay close to him. He likes to try and chase them to play but they don’t like that, then he likes to bark at them. Damn dog don’t know how to listen when you tell him to shut up or stop. Though doesn’t help when my sister spoiled the dog. Anyway, I just know this is going to be a very very long 9 months, that’s how long she plans on staying, though it could be longer. The good thing out of it is I can bum her car to look for a job and get one.

Before I go I will answer 2 questions and the other 3 I will get to later.

Awesome job! Now for the question….lol What modd are ya in when ya write ya poetry? What subject is most of ya poetry writtings on? Hope ya enjoying ya weekend.Thanks for doing the tag! Big Hugs~ [~She Who Wanders~]

Hmmm that’s a good question. 🙂 When I write my mood has to be in a writing mood mostly, because if I just want to write I kind of just end up sitting there looking at the screen. lol Most of my poems are on love. I could think of the one I was with at the time and be able to write what I felt about them or even just at the time. Best way to know what they are about is by reading them. I have alot of them up on my other OD. I do have some that I wrote when I was depressed in some way, but not to many I don’t think.


Best way to answer this is by say I write what I feel at the time of writing and I write what I think as I go. Though that is just an easy answer to say and doesn’t really answer the question to much…Right? 🙂

1) If you had to change anything in your life, what would it be?

2) I love that you actually help people!

3) I haven’t found anything I don’t like about you yet. [Trembling Jems]

You know over the years people have ask that one question count less times and not always got the same answer from me. Truth be told there is alot of things I would want to change in my life, things I did in my past that I wish I never did, being raped, my parents dying when they did, sleeping with someone I wish I never did and the list can go on.


Though even with all the things I have done in my life or that has happened to me in my life I wouldn’t change it. Even though I would give any thing to be able to have my parents hug me one more time, or be able to tell them I love them once again or even having the chance to say goodbye…having that all happen or even having things changed that has happened in my life doesn’t mean much of anything. Because it all happened for a reason, and who is to say that it still wouldn’t happen at a later dated, even if it got changed?


They say things happen for a reason, even if we don’t know what that reason is. Now that may be true, I don’t know, but I do know that out of everything that has happened to us in our lives, that will happen to us, that we have done in our lives and that we will do in our lives we learn from it all, it helps us to know what to do or not to do, it tells us that no one knows it all even if they like to think they do and some of the things makes us strong. What has happened to us makes us who we are, it helps shape up in our own lives.

Now I don’t know if that made as much sense as I am thinking it does, if not let me know and I shall redo it, but right now I don’t have the time to reread and then edit it. So hope they are good enough answers for ya both. Take care!


Before you ask your question, make sure I haven’t answered it already…
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November 3, 2008

Great Answers hun. Ya did good. I hope ya can train ya sis dog to keeping quiet. I dislike dogs for that reason.They bark over the most insane things. lol Big Hugs~