Showing the world how stupid you can be


There are some photo’s that are meant to be shown off, and I just had to show this one off. Though I am sure it has been seen, after all I found it on the net.

I had someone send me something the other day. It was a few vids, why I got sent them I don’t know, but anyway… I though why not see what they were. So I played them… Now what I thought and what I saw are two different things. My thought was that I was going to be seeing my friend who sent me vids… boy was I wrong. lol

Now this is not the first time I have seen people on cam doing things, but man some people are just plan stupid when it comes to going on cam. It seem like they were trying to out do someone they saw on cam, or they were trying to show off what they have (Though some wasn’t much at all) and there were even some who thought they were doing something sexy, boy were they WAY wrong!

People can really be stupid when it comes to caming, it’s gotten way out of hand. If you want to cam find cam, but come on use your brain at least!

Ok I am going to go see what I can find to watch, and no nothing "Bad" either…Your pervs! lol



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Sex*Goddess’s Guide

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Hmm… So what _were_ they doing that may or may not have been sexy?

September 14, 2008

well that photo made my night! ;D

September 14, 2008

Believe it or not I’ve not seen that pic before.*smiles* Nice one. Makes ya wonder what people are thinking when they do that huh? Big Hugs~

September 14, 2008

Too vague. We need details. Both the good and bad.

September 15, 2008

Yummy, I wouldn’t mine eating off of him. 😀 I agree with I Am Superman, to vague! lol