How do I handle this Situation?

my gf while not a virgin, is very shy and hasnt tried alot of things. she likes it when i give her oral but she wont look at my penis directly alot, wont give me a hand job and so far has not given me oral back. how do i handle this situation?

 I’m sorry hun, I started to do this one after I posted my other entry up, but as I was about to type I had to stop and do something else, and now I have time to answer it. So here I am!

You say she is shy, that could be why she hasn’t given you oral or why she doesn’t look at your penis. Shyness is not something that will let you do things, even if you want to do them. I use to be shy,(still am to a point 🙂 ) so I know how it goes.

Not being a virgin says one thing, she has had sex, but it doesn’t tell you what kind of sex she has had… and you said she hasn’t tried alot of things. So hand jobs and oral mor then likely are some of the things she hasn’t tried. If that is the case then she may not know how to do it, and she is unsure of how to go about telling you, being shy would make it hard for her to talk about things like this, even harder at the time when things are hot and heavy..


The best thing I can tell you to do right now is to talk to her. Make sure it is a place you know she will be comfortable in, make it relaxing for her. You can do small talk if you wish, and then lean in to that kind of topic. Ask her what kinds of things she has done, what kinds of things has she thought about doing, is there something she would like to try with you… tell her a few small things you would like to try with her, just don’t over do it at first.

Untill you know what it is she is thinking, theres not a whole lot anyone can tell you really. I’m sure we can give you ideas, but that still won’t help you in the long run if you don’t know what is going on inside her head. She may not tell you right off the bat, you may have to talk to her a few times, let her get comfortable with the type convo enough to be able to open up to you about that kind of thing. Then again she may open up to you the first time, hard to say.

If anyone else can think of something else please leave a note! Hope this help ya hun.

Good Luck!

S*G (BTW Sorry if there are typos! To tired to reread! 🙂 )


Before you ask your question, make sure I haven’t answered it already…
Sex*Goddess’s Guide

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September 13, 2008

Ya entry makes sense to me.That’s what I would have written.RYN: Isn’t crazy how people point out how we’ve changed then we kind of see what they mean? Thanks for letting me know ya there for me.We gals need to stick together. lol didya see ya entry where I left ya some tags? I hope ya like them. Hugs~

September 13, 2008

RYN: If ya want more let me know I’ll make ya up whatcha like. Hugs~

followed you over from She Who Wanders. Interesting OD. I think it’s true this guy’s girlfriend might not know how to do it. I was like that starting out too! You don’t want to do it “wrong”! Of course there is no “wrong”!

September 14, 2008

I just started dating this girl who just sprung the “I’m a virgin” card on me. I’m having a similar situation. She’s stated that it’s for moral reasons and that she plans on remaining a virgin until she’s married. I can respect and very easily deal with that. I’ve have plenty of relationships without having actual sex.

September 14, 2008

My concern is that she may not have much of a sex drive and won’t want to do other stuff. I really like other stuff. I like her a lot, but I’m pretty sure I’m way too sexual to be with someone who isn’t. I don’t want to lead her on, but I want to make it work until I find out what the physical relationship is like. Very complicated stuff. I’m not used to this at all.

September 18, 2008

Ryn: Well, she’s very attractive and is an all around wonderful person. She doesn’t have much of a physical history at all. I guess I assume that if she had wanted it, she would have had it. She hasn’t which makes me assume she doesn’t. The doubt comes because she is a fairly shy person and a little awkward at times. So it could just be that. I don’t know.

September 18, 2008

I guess I didn’t have a question. I just had a similar situation and was throwing my hat in the ring. That said I guess I wouldn’t mind at all hearing outside input at all.

September 18, 2008

Ryn: Annoying? Come on. There’s no way that entire diary isn’t a huge joke.