10 Randomness about me

Hey Look OD is back up!!! I guess I can post this up now..:D

Well even though OD is down, doesn’t mean I can’t do this up for when it comes back up. 😀 I don’t remember the question I got, so I can’t do that till OD comes up back for me to get it, but I do remember ~She Who Wanders~ posting a note saying how she would have tagged me but thought I would be to busy for it, then asks what mine would be, so I thought I would tell her.

10 Random facts people don’t know about me.

My 10 Randomness

1. People may think they know me, but there are only a very small few who really know me. (Don’t help I don’t trust easy and open up)

2. There is someone I am still in love with, never stopped loving, but know I will never have him.

3. People think I am a better person then I think I am, There are alot of things I don’t like about myself, looks included. (Though with my looks I can’t say that to so, they tell me other wise. 😀)

4. There is something that I have kept from my family that if they knew about, it may help me to know if what I feel or think is true or not, but I can’t tell them to find out.

5. I feel as I shouldn’t be here, that there is no reason for me to be in this world.

6. Not many people know how I am really feeling at any given time. I put on a happy face even when I am depressed.

7. I curse more then I should IRL. (Though I have online at times too…just not often. lol)

8. I have never been truly myself since my dads death. (I changed alot after that)

9. Not so long ago I didn’t want to keep living.

10. A fear of mine is that I will turn out like my aunt.

There you have 10 things about me, I can’t say that no one knows any of these, but people here on OD I don’t think do, after all not like I have said to much about myself on this OD or even on my other one for that matter. 😀

I’m not going to tag anyone, because well really I, myself wasn’t tagged, she just wanted to know what I would put. hehe

Take care!


Before you ask your question, make sure I haven’t answered it already…
Sex*Goddess’s Guide

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September 13, 2008

Some of these are really sad! I hope you can work through some of them!

September 13, 2008

I can relate to them hun. I hope ya know I’m here if ya ever want to chat.Not the same as being in person with ya,But I’m here just the same.I think death changes people to a degree not everyone recognizes. Hope ya having a good day hun.Big Hugs~

September 13, 2008

I made an entry for ya hun.I hope ya like them. Big Hugs~

September 15, 2008

I am so going to talk to you sweetie. *hugs*