Questions about my Stories

I have been reading your diary for a long time now I haven’t noted much and besides it’s mostly private notes on your other diary anyway, as I’m sure you know by now. 🙂 Anyway, I just wanted to say that I am glad that you are back online once again. I know this is kind of late to be saying, but I haven’t been around much, I also had a question, though this is about your stories. (C)

When did you write these and why didn’t you post them up before now? Yes I know they aren’t like most of the ones you find here on OD, but I have to say I like yours better then the ones I have read on OD.. well I still have my favs on here, but there is something about yours. Also, did they ever come true or are they just stories, are they something you want to come to past or just fantasies that you have but won’t do? You know me I just have to ask you to many questions…:D

Stay Sexy Goddess!


I thought making a post would be easier then leaving so many notes…Yea I know, hard not to remember you even when I am gone so long. 🙂 I was wondering why I haven’t seen you leave me a note, now I got my answer! It’s good to see you back again too, maybe I will update my other OD soon, I don’t know why I haven’t really. Also thanks, it’s good to be back online again.

Ok now as for your questions… 

When did you write these and why didn’t you post them up before now?

I wrote all my stories a few years ago. (Though I don’t have them all anymore) Not all of them I wrote for the same guy. Most of them I wrote for who ever was my boyfriend at the time. I never really wrote stories for just anyone, I wrote them for my boyfriend to tease him. Though I do have to say there is someone who is and never has been my boyfriend who I have wrote stories from. He wrote stories back to me as well. 😀

I don’t know why I never posted them up till now, I guess I never thought about it at the time, plus I didn’t know if my boyfriend would have liked me posting someone up I wrote just for him. But now that I am not with any of them anymore I thought why not post them up. I don’t know if I will keep posting more up after this last one is done or not.

I’m glad you like them, it’s nice to hear that. Though you are the only one so far to tell me they are one of your favs. 😀 Who would have ever thought! lol

Also, did they ever come true or are they just stories, are they something you want to come to past or just fantasies that you have but won’t do?

I have to say no, they never came true. Though parts of some have came tp pass, the whole thing never has. I don’t remember all of my stories, but some of them yes are fantasies I have had; why others are just things I thought he would like at the time or just things that came to my mind as I sat there writing it out. Some things I write about I would want to do and try, as for other things I wouldn’t want to. I am pretty open when it comes to sex and the different things you can do, but there is a line I won’t cross. As for anyone.

Yes I know you like asking quetions, and as I always tell you I don’t mind. Not like I haven’t asked you things before. lol Take Care!



Before you ask your question, make sure I haven’t answered it already…
Sex*Goddess’s Guide

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September 11, 2008

RYN: I know my child is insane to have me tagged like that! lol I got alot of messages saying they have the same thoughts that i’ve written.So I think it’s a normal process as a woman.I’m not gonna off myself I just wanted it known that I thought them sometimes.I was gonna tag ya but I thought ya might be too busy.If I tagged ya what would ya’s be? lol Big Hugs~