Turn on more by a Woman then my own Man?

I love my man with all my heart but their is this woman i met through a friend who kissed me the other night. It was really nice and we started making out and i wanted to go further. We have mad plans to hook up soon. I don’t want a relationship with her i just wanna sleep with her. Where did that feeling come from. She turned me on more than my man.

First I want to say if you do go through with sleeping with her then you just cheated on your boyfriend who you say you love so much. I’m not your mom and can’t tell you what to do, but I can tell you that I don’t think it is right. If you really want to sleep with her and not have a relationship with her then why not talk to your man about it. He may be willing to let you have your fun with her, he may even ask to watch if not help out. But to just go ahead and sleep with her is not the greatest way to go. If he does fine out, being a girl or not you where with, I don’t think he would like it and more then likely not be able to trust you. At least if I was him that’s how I would be.

Anyway, I can’t really say how she turns you on more then your boyfriend does. Most people would think the reason for this is because you are gay/bi, at least some people I know would say that, but that’s not the answer. Some people can look at the same sex and not feel anything, others can be the same way but they can see one person out of them all who they would like to do more with but not be in a relationship with. That’s why I say this is not the answer.

It’s kind of weird that she turns you on more then your boyfriend in a way, then again it’s not. The only reason I can think really , is chemistry. You have more chemistry with her then you do with your boyfriend so she turns you on more then he ever has. I’m not saying you don’t have any with him, just that you have more chemistry when it comes to that one female then you do with your man.

If there is anyone else that can give another reason for this to help her out, leave a note.

I hope this helps some.

Take Care!



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ryn: i added you to my FO list.

RYN: I will have to try that one. Maybe us making an L or something instead of really side by side though…that might work. He’s been liking me being pregnant and out of control with horniness…like when we were dating.