Men think about sex more, or is it just a Myth?

Hey Sex Goddess,

Question: Do men really think about sex more or is that just a myth?

Please respond 🙂

Amy [Amy1983]

I’ve been around men and talked to men to many times to say that it is a myth. No one can say how many times a day they do think about sex, some say that men think about sex every 3 seconds, every 8 seconds, every 15 seconds or every 7 seconds, some even say men think about it all day long. For some guys it could be every 3 seconds, or any of them up there. It depends on the guy you are talking to or about to how much they think about sex. Either way I wouldn’t say it is a myth, because it’s not, it’s true guy do think about sex more.

Then again, there are alot of women out in the world who think about sex just as much as guys do, they just know how to hide it better. I know a few women who think about sex alot and even talk about it and let people know that they are, then there are some who think about it but only talk to their friends about sex. So in a way it depends on who the person is to how often they think about sex, guys or gals.

Hope that answers your question. Take Care!


BTW, I wil try to get back to answering questions more, I can get on once a week just about at my brothers, so if someone has a questions just ask, but it won’t be answered right away.

Before you ask your question, make sure I haven’t answered it already…
Sex*Goddess’s Guide

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February 27, 2008

In my experience, some guys don’t think about it much at all, some think about it a lot. (I find I think about it more when I’m seeing someone.) Then again, some women are the same way, so it really just depends on the person. Ahh, look at me trying to sound wise when I’m really just thinking about sex. 😉

May 24, 2008

I would bet it comes out about even. However, due to social pressures, women are probably more inclined to downplay their sexual desires.

i want the woman who thinks about it and wants it as much as i do. jer