Consider me, even if I am a “Good Girl”?

Yes, love can be a hallow pain in your chest sometimes. The man I consider to be the only person I have ever, and will ever fully care for, is getting married to someone else in June. I hope you are OK. I’m new to your diary, but I’ve been enjoying it. I’m sorry to ask for help while you have other things on your mind, but I would very much appreciate it. Ive recently become a bit enterested in a guy thats very different from me. Hes much more experienced, and I know that he has slept with his past girlfriends. I, on the other hand, am a virgin, and pretty sure he knows. I am also a bit younger than he is. I think he finds me interesting, but do you think he’ll ever even consider me because I’m a "good-girl" type? If you could just give me any thoughts you have about this, I would be so greatful. I have a lot of other questions, but I’ll just leave this one for now. Hmmm….. out of curiosity, what would you do if you were in my place?

~Much Love, Doll

I am ok, still confused a bit, but I think I will be confused till I know for sure what is going to happen with us. I am still trying to hope that things will turn out the way I want them to, but only can wait and see what will happen. Also need to not give up.

Don’t worry about asking me anything you would like. Just because I have other things on my mind doesn’t mean I can’t help others out. So just ask what ever you wish, just make sure I don’t have it up already… and speaking of that, I need to put the rest of my posts up on my FAQ’s site. I guess I can do that in a bit. Anyway to your question.

My thoughts on this is if you like him and you think he likes you back then why not just go for it and see what happens. It’s doesn’t matter how much experience he has then you, or how different you two are from on another, and if you are a year or two younger then he is so what, there are people who age is alot farther apart then you two. I can’t say I know what he is thinking or how he is because I don’t have a clue about that, but I do know that the only way you will ever know what he thinks and wants if to talk to him and find out.

There are some guys who don’t like the "Good girl" type, but there are more then most people think who do like it. If I were you I wouldn’t let that get me mad or think that someone won’t want me. Because the only way you will ever know for sure who likes "good girls" is to go out there and try. I can’t say he will consider you because you are a good girl, but I can’t say he won’t either. Just because you are one doesn’t mean that he won’t want to be with you because of it.

What is the worst thing that can happen? He tells you he doesn’t want to go out with you? Yea that will hurt, but doesn’t mean that you can moved on from that and go out there and find someone who will say yes to you. I can’t tell you what to do, you have to be the one to make up your mind at the end, but if you like him enough and would like to know how things can be with you and him and all, then just ask him. Hope this helps you. Take Care and Good luck!


Before you asked your question, make sure I haven’t answered it already…
Sex*Goddess’s Guide

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January 26, 2007

I agree. The only thing worse than him saying “no”, is him wanting to say “yes” but never being asked.

This is probably a rather silly question but any advice in terms of post-oral etiquette or protocol, specifically after a girl gives a guy head? If you’ve elected to swallow, would it be weird to excuse yourself to brush your teeth or get a glass of water/gum before making out resumes, etc? Thanks!

for quite a while i’ve had this patch of dry skin on the area above my clitoris and in my pubic hair line. i’ve tried lotions and creams, but it just seems to irrtate it and cause it to itch. i’m pretty sure its not an std, but i have had a one night stand with a guy. we used protection and all. I’m just not sure what it is, and was wondering if you had any ideas/cures.