BC, Best place to go and what kinds of questions?

I just recently started having sex with my boyfriend. This is the first person I have ever had sex with and I want to go be put on birth control, for safety.

I was just wondering what the best way to go about this is (planned parenthood or a regular doctor?) And I would also like to know what kind of questions they ask you when you first get put on b.c.?

thank you!

I don’t think it would really matter how you went about getting it, either from Planned Parenthood or just your regular doctor, either one would be good to go with, just what ever one you would want to go to would be the right one.

As for what they would ask you, I can’t really say only because I have never gone down to get BC myself. I’m sure they will only ask you questions about your health to see what one would be best for you. They may ask you if you want the pills for, some people get them because of there period, but I don’t know if this is something they will ask you or not for sure.

They may ask you if you smoke, I do know taking the pill was you smoke is not a good thing so they make ask about that, or they may ask you if you take any kind of drugs, may it be from a doctor or not. I believe some meds why on the pill can harm you or make the pill not work right, but I can’t say that for 100%.

I’m not sure what else to say, but I wouldn’t worry about what kinds of questions they will ask you, they will ask what they need to, to make sure you will be ok why on the pill. One way to know for sure what will be asked is to go and find out. If anyone of my reads can let us know that your doctor has asked you when you went to go get on BC please leave a note. Hope this helps you some. Take Care!



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January 5, 2007

I have gone to Planned Parenthood for years and love them. They are affordable and good. They will ask you your medical history, your sex history and go over what is the right one for you. You need to ask about side effects, how long it takes them to go into effect (for example the pill takes 7 days) You will also have a pap test (no fun but necessary). Most important, ask any question and

January 5, 2007

Be honest! They are not there to judge but to give you options. This goes with any doctor. If you think your doctor is doing something you donÂ’t feel comfortableÂ… change. My fist gyno felt like telling my mother my sex history, last time either of us went there.

Ok. So I have been on birth control for 2 years now. This month my boyfriend and I had sex on the sunday I started my new pack of pills. We used protection. But 12 days before I am suppose to start my period I started to spot. I’ve been spotting for the last 5 days. I called my gyno and she said it was normal and I shouldn’t worry. What would you thing? I need some help. Thank you.

January 5, 2007

A little bit of spotting is no big thing though. If you are really worried call Planned Parenthood or take a pregnancy test ($7.00 for 2 at Kroger) and check it out, just remember to read the directions!