How to Give a Lap Dance

 i dont think you’ve answered this one or not but i wanna give my boyfriend a lap dance but i’m not exactaly sure what i should wear and what kinda music to dance to and what kinda moves to use. i am a dancer but dancing and dancing sexy are so different! HELP! 🙂 [SO lost for you]

I do have a post up on this, but it doesn’t really have much on it that will help you to much, So I though I would do another entry on this one for everyone.  I have some tips that I got from somewhere I can’t remember where other wise  I would post it up but I will put what I have, plus I found a site that tells you how to do a lap dance as well from  someone who was an erotic dancer So I hope this helps you out.

Now when it comes to the music, song selection is rather personal and varies greatly depending on taste, but I can certainly point you in the right direction by telling you what NOT to do. 

The biggest mistake women make when choosing music for their lap dance debut is they confuse stripping with lap dancing. I’ll explain what I mean.

Stripping is upbeat, energized dancing while lap dancing is a slower, more sensual experience.  Stripping is Michael Jackson’s ‘Beat It’ while lap dancing is Sade’s ‘Smooth Operator’ if you know what I mean. 

So many women who try to lap dance to fast music end up bobbing up and down awkwardly like ostriches on fast forward.  Take your time.Let him savour every moment. 

The music you choose should inspire fluid movements that run together smoothly, and involve a lot of gentle touching- running your hand along the side of his face, letting your hair fall around his neck, sliding your feet down the top of his thighs.

(Ooh, just the thought of that gives me the shivers in all the right places!)

Think about the kind of music he likes and go with something out of his CD collection. (R and B, for example, can be very well suited to lap dancing. Or if he’s more of a jazz buff, feel free to take the theme in that direction.)

Whatever you choose, make sure it inspires YOU because if you don’t like the song, you won’t feel natural moving to it.

What is it about lap dance that drives men WILD?

Take Charge – When you take charge you’re putting him in a submissive position to you. You have the control and the power! This can be very arrousing for men. So don’t rush; enjoy teasing him until he can’t stand it any more.

Make him hold out for you (which is a good practice for life). Pamper, tending to him from head to toe and showing him what he could have if he is willing to be a ‘good boy.’

Men love it when women take the initiative from time to time. Any sexual suprise you can spring on him is the thing fantasies are made of.


Explain the ground rules at the beginning. The rules are – Hands Off – only you get to do the touching – any touching by him will mean game over and end of his lap dance.

And stick to the ground rules (as long as humanly possible). Remember, you are in control and calling the shots – making him submissive.


Don’t worry about looking sexy. The biggest tip you need to know is —think sexy, feel sexy … LOOK SEXY. It is a universal law that can’t be broken.


Sit him down… start about 6 feet in front of him swaying your hips SLOWLY with the music. You’re not really dancing – more "slinking."


To begin, Dance toward him and when right in front of him, place one foot on the floor between his feet and the other on the arm of the chair – kind of like a stretching position.

Get in his space.


…your assets by pushing out your chest and butt. The ‘acceptance’ positions that triggers sexual arousal in male mammals is an arched back with butt protrouding


Eye contact is extremely important! You are really seducing him with your eyes. Need ideas of the look you need – look at the cover of men’s magazines like FHM, Stuff Maxim etc….

Look at him with the sexy thought in mind – then look down at your body – then look back at him.


Look down and rub yourself over the top of your clothing – Men love to see women enjoying their bodies.

Run your hands slowly over your butt stomach and breasts. Make it look like it feels great. Slowly get aroused as time passes.

Hold out from the ‘nether regions’ for the time being. 

One dancer advises to "Slowly remove your clothes in this order: blouse, skirt, bra, panties, stockings. Occasionally caress yourself-especially your breasts. From time to time make eye contact with your partner and remember – SMILE."


Get close to him for a bit. Let him smell your scent, perfume etc…

First, frontward with your hands on the arms of the chair so you can lean in.

Second, sticking your butt towards his lap – grind into him slightly.


After driving him a crazy when you are in his space – with him unable to touch you (he should be going crazy by now) – back away and dance slowly so he can see what he may get if he is a "good boy."


It is common for dancers – when they are in his space – take a deep breath and when they are close to his ear let out small sigh – kind of an small erotic moan – like the kind when you are having sex.

You will be surprised at the response of this.


One of the biggest sex organs is your mind. You may feel silly at first – but trust me – when you see his reaction – you’ll be sold.

Kerry McCloskey, author of /The Ultimate Sex Diet/, says you don’t have to swear like a truckdriver to turn you both on. "Lower your voice an octave, and talk slower than you normally would (just above a whisper –
like you are telling a secret) , then tell him just what you want to do to him."

Give Your Lover a Sexy Lap Dance
I was an erotic dancer when I met my lover (in a club) and he has seen me on stage hundreds of times, but nothing compares to a personal, private erotic dance. I tie him to the chair, so he will behave, and tease him unmercifully until he is slavering and begging me to fuck him.

You don’t have to be a professional to get this effect! The secret is to tease, tease, tease, and set your atmosphere. Men and women both love erotic lap dances, and I’ve done them for both sexes. In fact, my very first private dance was for a woman lover (you can read all about it at My girlfriends love it just as much as the men do! Maybe more since it is a new experience for them. Oh, and guys, you can certainly do this for your lover, too.

Chose your outfit with care. You want something that turns your lover on, but you also want clothing you can get out of — with something approaching grace and without help. It can be anything from street clothes to club wear to exotic lingerie. I have a pair of skintight spandex jeans I peel out of on stage, and let me tell you it drives the crowd wild.

There is a trick to getting out of pants. Slowly inch that zipper down and spread it wide, running your hands over your body and teasing with a glimpse of pubes (if you have any – I’m shaven). Then turn your back and bend over, showing off your marvelous ass, and push the jeans slowly down the curve of your ass and all the way down your legs. Remember, slow and seductive. Push the legs of the pants down to your feet and you should be able to hold them down with your hands and just step out of them.

Oh – which brings us to shoes. If you are stripping out of pants, be sure you can get them off over your shoes. You don’t want to get caught like I did once with those spandex – first I toppled backwards into my lovers lap (okay, that wasn’t so bad) but in the end I had to fall forward and crawl onto the floor to sit down and tug them off over my boots while he laughed and I blushed madly.

Girls, you gotta wear the three-inch heels. I know, they are hell, but you aren’t going to be on your feet in them all that long, trust me. Wait until you see the look in his eyes when he sees you in them. Even guys who don’t have a foot fetish drool when I pick up one heel and set it on the chair arm next to them, or even better, against the wall right next to their face, then lovingly run my fingers over the shoes and all the way up my leg to sweeter things.

My current lover loves exotic lingerie and exotic lingerie is so much fun to strip out of. I have a favorite floor length almost sheer, shiny robe. With slow seductive music I spin slowly, allowing it to whirl gracefully around me, revealing and concealing, tease, tease, and tease. With something like that to dance in, all you have to do is strut and spin and you look like a great artiste!

Go slow, tease, and dance so close you are right in his or her lap. I love to lean in and lick an ear then breathe my hot breath over it, maybe nibble his neck just to see him shudder. I’ll barely touch his nose with a breast, dodge his flicking tongue, then slowly, hardly an inch from his body, lower myself until I am looking up at him from between his knees, rubbing my hands up and down his thighs.

The fun thing about a private dance at home is you can be a whole lot naughtier than you can in the club. I love to undress someone slowly as I strip, too. Open those jeans and draw that big hard thing out and then turn around and just barely touch it with my ass, rubbing up and down. This never fails to draw a deep moan from my man. He starts struggling to get loose from his silken ties and begging me to do him “right now.”

That’s your cue to dance away a few steps and tease some more until you are both in a fever!

If he manages to chase you across the floor chair and all…have mercy. It’s time to turn him loose and reap your rewards.

I hope this helps! Take Care!

 Before you asked your question, make sure I haven’t answered it already…
Sex*Goddess’s Guide

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December 11, 2006

Whoaaaaaaa, the Sex Goddess is back in full bloom I guess !!! I really liked the vibe in this entry/response… you certainly touched on most of the important communications. I’m in considerable agreement with everything, and I think it bears repeating that attire is somewhat secondary to the vibe of personal comfort you’re giving off while dancing provocatively

December 14, 2006

oh thank you! i looked through your entires for this question but i guess i’m just blind well thanks for redoing it that helped a lot! wish me luck!